Download the .UDC or .zip file to your computer’s hard drive in the UserDefinedContests directory in the N1MM Logger+ user files area, which is normally located at C:/Users/username/Documents/N1MM Logger+/UserDefinedContests. (Note: If you have moved the user files area during program ins...
安装升级软件: 比赛网站上有下载连接 2 第一次使用必须拷贝三个文件到相应的目录: ①把BY_WAPC.SEC 拷贝到电脑---文档---N1MM目录下的SUPPORTFILES的目录里; ② 国内参赛者把 BY_WAPC_BY.UDC 拷贝到电脑---文档---N1MM 目录下的 USER...
User Defined Contests(UDC) are maintained by Les G4OGB Call History filesare controlled by Claude VE2FK Websiteis hosted by QTH.COM and maintained by Larry, K8UT Thanks guys for the work done. The N1MM Logger+ team is a cooperative development venture. If you have programming or other ...
安装升级软件: 比赛网站上有下载连接 2 第一次使用必须拷贝三个文件到相应的目录: ①把BY_WAPC.SEC 拷贝到电脑---文档---N1MM目录下的SUPPORTFILES的目录里; ② 国内参赛者把 BY_WAPC_BY.UDC 拷贝到电脑---文档---N1MM 目录下的 USER...
Call history files and UDC (User Defined Contest) files should also transfer over without a problem. However, the Logger’s ini file(s) willnottransfer (you will have to redo your hardware configuration), and we recommend that you go with the Telnet cluster list supplied with N1MM+. It ha...
For contests other than those in UDC files, contest rules etc. are in the main program file (N1MM and are not stored in the database or any other files! Directory Structure The program itself is installed under C:\Program Files in 32-bit Windows systems, or C:\...