import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import matplotlib .pyplot as plt from tensorflow .examples .tutorials .mnist import input_data #define dataset mnist=input_data .read_data_sets ("/home/nvidia/Downloads/",one_hot= True ) #defien agruments batch_zize=20 .train...
Introduced by Oh et al. inModeling Uncertainty with Hedged Instance Embedding N-Digit MNIST is a multi-digit MNIST-like dataset. Homepage Benchmarks Edit Add a new resultLink an existing benchmark No benchmarks yet.Start a new benchmarkorlink an existing one. ...
sys.path.append('F:\ml\DL\source-code')#导入此路径中fromdataset.mnistimportload_mnistfromPILimportImageimportnumpy as np (x_train, t_train), (x_test, t_test)= load_mnist(flatten = True, normalize = False, one_hot_label =False)#flatten参数为True的含义是展开输入图像(变成784个元素构成的...
MNIST handwritten digits have been arguably the most popular dataset for machine learning research. Although the state-of-the-art learned models have long ago reached possibly the best achievable performances on this benchmark, the dataset itself remains useful to the research community, providing a ...
Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 16 Commits result LICENSE README License This is a reproducing code for non-negative PU learning [1] and unbiased PU learning [2] in the paper "Positive-...
In 2014, Goodfellow et al. presented a method for training generative models called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs for short). In a GAN, we build two dif...
sys.path.append('F:\ml\DL\source-code')fromdataset.mnistimportload_mnistfromPILimportImageimportnumpy as np#pickle提供了一个简单的持久化功能。可以将对象以文件的形式存放在磁盘上。#pickle模块只能在python中使用,python中几乎所有的数据类型(列表,字典,集合,类等)都可以用pickle来序列化,#pickle序列化后的...
They trained a CNN on the ImageNet dataset and showed that the accuracy of the model was sensitive to hyperparameters like mini-batch size. They achieved an accuracy of 93.33% on the test set with a mini-batch size of ten. Kang et al. [36] applied CNNs to document image classification...