Mise au point d'un outil de formation des infirmieres pour le bon usage du necessaire a perfusion a l'hopital : Contributions de la theorie des representations sociales a la descrip- tion des pratiques. These de diplome de Doctorat, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I, n° 244, 2001....
In order to compute later all the force constants and mean-square amplitudes of the generalized valence force field, we are proposing a method for the determination of the U-matrix for XY n groups, and the U-, G-, F- and Σ matrices (Wilson's Method) for XY 6 , (D 3h ) ...
Uncoupled Hartree–Fock–Slater first hyperpolarizabilities have been calculated for CO, CH4, HCHO, and CN−. Different basis sets have been tested for CH4and CO.M. TrsicW. G. Laidlawcanadian journal of chemistry