Three friends looking for mythic raiding guild. Logs available. Currently 8/8H. No Friday/Saturdays. 5-10CST availability. Discord: hungryducks
looking for a guild to hopefully progress with in shadowlands. I dont need or expect a leadership position obviously Cutting edge Archimonde and Argus Dont have a video for Archimonde because i didnt strea…
Ret Pally/Holy OS WW Monk with Tank OS …but everyone who thinks they would be a good fit should reach out!** Additionally, if you feel you would like to raid in this sort of environment in the future, but want a fun environment to hang out with while you get up to speed through...
Goal: Build a Cutting Edge team on a light schedule History: Former CE, Former US-100 Leads and Raiders Summary: Long time guild from Alliance side, moved horde in BFA, lots of M+/KSM, PVP, and raiding. Recruiting Geared DPS and Priest/Pally Healers. To join or trial, message me on...
Ret Pally Unholy DK MM Hunter WW Monk Raid days are Tues-Thursday, hours are 8:30PM-11:30PM Eastern time. Contact Gentleknight @ Gentle#11834 or Bazhunter @ bazhunter#1268 Thank you! Åsuña-bleeding-hollow January 8, 2021, 5:19am 13 About Us. This guild came to fruition after...
Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Holy Pally, or Mistweaver Monk Ranged DPS (Mage, Boomie, or Shadow Priest) Melee DPS (DK) Any and All Exceptional Players Are Considered and Encouraged to Join Recruitment Needs for Weekend: Shaman of Any Variety Rogue Tank (Warrior, Monk, or DK ideal, but will...