Blood DKBlood Death Knight is known for its strong self-sustain and ability to handle both physical and magical damage. In The War Within, Blood DKs have seen significant changes, especially in their talent trees and the introduction of new hero talents: San'layn and Deathbringer. Contrary to...
This means coming to raid prepared each raid night with their specs fully optimized (simC/Raidbots/Pawn/Stat Weights) when it comes to gems, enchants, talents, consumables and are using the appropriate add-on/weakauras to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities. -We expect ...
When choosing your az traits and talents be aware of the hidden nerf in auspicious spirits and the spiteful apparitions trait. I can’t give you the numbers but combining them reduces effectiveness to the point at 3 traits you lose dps. Rings are important so if you haven’t got professions...