针对您遇到的问题“my_print_defaults: command not found”,我们可以按照您提供的提示逐一进行排查和解决。以下是分点回答: 1. 确认my_print_defaults命令的存在性 my_print_defaults 是MySQL 的一个实用工具,用于打印 MySQL 服务器选项文件的默认值。首先,我们需要确认这个命令是否存在于系统中。如果您已经安装了 ...
linux 下面mysql启动不了 my_print_defaults: command not found的原因是:/etc/init.d/mysql这个MySQL的启动脚本错误,MySQL是使用源代码安装的,一般会提示tarting MySQL Couldn't find MySQL manager or server(@bindir@/mysqld_safe)。具体解决办法:键入如下命令:cd <your MySQL install PATH> cd...
WARNING: my_print_defaults command not found. Please make sure you have this command available and in your path. The command is available from the latest MySQL distribution. ABORT: Can't find command 'my_print_defaults'. This command is available from the latest MySQL distribution. Please make...
WARNING: my_print_defaults command not found. Please make sure you have this command available and inyour path. The command is available from the latest MySQL distribution. ABORT: Can't find command 'my_print_defaults'. This command is available from the latest MySQL distribution. Please make ...
首先,我们需要查看完整的错误信息,以了解问题的具体来源。在这种情况下,错误信息是“/etc/init.d/mysql: line 239: my_print_defaults: command not found”。从这个错误信息中,我们可以得知my_print_defaults命令未找到。 步骤2:检查my_print_defaults命令是否存在 ...
解决方法: 检查/etc/my.cnf是否存在datadir和basedir如果没有请增加 datadir和basedir目录路径. 如下[mysqld]port = 3306basedir =/usr/local/mysqldatadir =/usr/local/mysql/data
/usr/src/mysql-4.1.12/scripts/mysql_install_db: line 85: my_print_defaults: command not found Could not find help file 'fill_help_tables.sql' in ./support-files or inside .. can somebody help? i'm very much a linux novice so explicit instructions would be helpful Thanks!!
/etc/init.d/mysqld:line 260:my_print_defaults:command not found 或 mysql manager or server PID file could not be found! 解决办法: # vi /etc/my.cnf (指明basedir和datadir路径即可) basedir=/usr/local/mysql datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data ...
/etc/init.d/mysqld:line 260:my_print_defaults:command not found 或 mysql manager or server PID file could not be found! 解决办法: # vi /etc/my.cnf (指明basedir和datadir路径即可) basedir=/usr/local/mysql datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data ...
9 box and was having the same problem when i was trying to run the install_db script. 5 minutes of searching on google led me to some obscure forums and i decided to search here on mysql.com itself and found this. :) Sure enough it fixed my problem and i am up and running mysql...