IT之家 9 月 18 日消息,据外媒 moguravr 报道,开发《东京时笼》的日本 VR 游戏公司 MyDearest 于 9 月 14 日在 VRChat 上发布了虚拟办公室。虽然称为“虚拟办公室”,但并不是员工实际工作的地方,这是一个再现 MyDearest 真实办公室的世界,同时也专注于“只能通过 VR 才能完成的事情”。图源外媒 mogur...
One of the greatest strengths of Meta's VR headset is how simple it is to set up, as there's no need to fiddle with base stations, and it only takes a couple of steps on the headset and app to get it up and running. You won't be using it all day long, though, as the Ques...
Thank you for posting on HP Support Community. Don't worry as I'll be glad to help, I have a few troubleshooting steps we could try to fix the issue: - 7987252
PlayStation VR 2 8.0 The PSVR 2 is expensive ($550), and needs a PlayStation 5 to even work. It's tethered, not wireless. And Sony hasn't supported the PSVR 2 with enough unique games to justify its existence. The PSVR 2 is still a fun luxury if you're a PS5 gamer who also ...
We've since moved and the layout of the new place had an area in the living space that seemed perfect for VR so we started hatching a plan to get the Vive integrated into our living space. Long story short, today was the day and I just finished our "hidden" install and wanted to ...
游戏火线精英:【闯关模式】上线,内容抢先看! 游戏三国杀:威张辽攻略! 游戏生死狙击:新春限定武器“广陵”评测 近期关注 更多>> 热门游戏 网页游戏 小游戏 手机游戏 生死狙击全新3D枪战游戏,八亿浏览器的枪战... 皮卡堂过家家在过家家的世界!我们共同创造无限... ...
为了推动影视传媒的从业人员进行VR内容创作,让VR内容在专业媒体领域得到更广泛的应用。insta360联合华为、去看、MytimesVR在美丽的杭州浙江传媒学院举办了2019年VR创作者大师班(第二期)的活动。 本次创作者培训沙龙为期两天,第一天的课程内容主要面向入门级创作者和全景内容的爱好者及浙传的同学们进行开展。主要讲述VR...
MySight360远足VR相机,可轻松放置在衣服、包包上 作为一名“伪文艺青年”,我去全球各地旅行时,基本上都是拿着单反和至少两只镜头、一个三脚架等等,设备虽不高端、但至少是个样子不是。于是,不堪重负啊……很多美女就不这样,因为人家就是要美美地去旅行,所以她看我们这种人的都是有种“这大叔干嘛这么辛苦呢...
Can't really say which one is going to be best for you as your system should run any headset and VR software package/game without issue. It's really up to your budget. You might want to head over to the two main developer sites for VR (Oculus and HTC) and see what games/apps the...
游 戏MyDearest推出VR游戏发行业务,首款发行游戏为《Squingle》MyDearest是一家日本VR游戏工作室,代表作有《Tokyo Chronos》、《ALTEUS:Beyond Chronos》和《DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate》等。近日,MyDearest宣布推出发行业务。除了协助第三方游戏发行和本地化,该公司还将为之前在日本市场发布的游戏提供营销服务...