null,"registrationTime":"2023-06-25T09:00:24.373+01:00","confirmEmailStatus":null},"followersCount":null,"solutionsCount":0},"ForumTopicMessage:message:11847880":{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":11847880,"subject":"My sims 4 game won't launch on my computer, it just doe...
Solved: I've tried everything. I've removed my mods, restarted my computer, repaired the game, updated the game, even switched devices from my mac
the sims mobile I need help loading my game CHANGE TOPIC Recommended Troubleshoot your connection to EA games Article Having problems playing EA games online? Our steps may help restore your connection. Helpful resources Article Games that won't download, install, or load in the EA a...
the sims 3 I need help loading my game CHANGE TOPIC Recommended Troubleshoot your connection to EA games Article Having problems playing EA games online? Our steps may help restore your connection. Helpful resources Article Games that won't download, install, or load in the EA app ...
The same goes for a foreign lottery letter telling you you've won the jackpot. In the United States and Canada, citizens can't enter foreign lotteries by phone or mail—meaning you would have had to visit the country to enter. Keeping track of any contests, sweepstakes, or lotteries you...
I redownloaded sims 4 onto my pc because I got a new one, it was working and downloading and installed easily but when I went to go launch in through origin... - 11740754
I tried restarting my computer but it doesn't seem to work ☹️ I guess I will try to install and reinstall both EA and the sims 4 but with my slow internet it is going to take me 2 or 3 hours. Do any of you have any different solutions?
my sims 4 and I’ve I’ve hit repair and restarted my computer and deleted my mods and nothing has worked it still does the freezing thing and I don’t know what to do. I have a Mac. This hasn’t happened to me before. I’ve had the sims 4 for 2 years and everything’s ...
I have been playing sims 4 on the EA app for a month now but just yesterday my game randomly got problems launching. I get into the app but when I click on play on the sims 4 app it looks like its going to launch but then it just takes me back to the app. I read some of ot...
@LynnisindahouseIs the EA App currently not running at all, or is it working but Sims 4 won't launch? I ask because these are two very different issues. For the latter, please post in this thread: