Powerhouse Cynthia Erivo leads the charge as Elphaba, a young woman misunderstood because of her unusual green skin who has yet to discover her true power. When conceived, Elphaba’s mother and her secret beau drank a mysterious potion assumed responsible for her nature. Elphaba is noticed by M...
The film itself is a decent watch and tongue-in-cheek sensibilities are necessary to appreciate the movie. There is a hint of art film qualities peppered throughout and it’s not a run-of-the-mill mainstream horror film either but a sense of humor and embracing the ridiculousness is require...
谁能帮我讲解一下这一句的语法?Every season of my nanny career kicked off with a round of interviews so surreally similar that I'd often wonder if the mothers were slipped a secret manual at the Parents League to guide them through.尤其是slip这个单词的用法,和具体含义. 扫码下载作业帮拍照答疑一...
MBC 全新電視劇《我身後的陶斯》27日在首爾麻浦區舉辦製作發表會,朴尚勳導演、主演蘇志燮、鄭仁仙、孫浩俊、林世美皆到場出席。 這是蘇志燮睽違兩年回歸小螢幕,他透露:「感覺我在家裡看首播時會非常緊張。」,被問到選擇出演《我身後的陶斯》的原因,他表示:「感覺大家在看這部劇時會覺得很有趣,我自己在拍攝時都...
When their nanny quits after the children run away to chase a kite, the panicked George requests a stern, no-nonsense nanny, while the children (now returned home) desire a kind, sweet one. Through magic, a young nanny (Julie Andrews) descends from the sky using her umbrella. ...
Mary Poppins cheerily takes the children on several adventures teaching them valuable lessons along the way. The drama involves light situations such as the irritable George threatening to fire the nanny because she is too cheerful, or a mini-scandal at the bank where George works. ...