The plot centers around two young girls. Bonnie (Emily Hudson) is the daughter of Lord and Lady Willoughby, who live at the grand yet cozy country estate named Willoughby Chase. Lady Willoughby (Eleanor David) is ill, and the couple plan to recuperate basking in the warm sun along the Med...
Hi guys. I'm Emily. I'm fifteen years old. What happened over the past year makes me really sad, but I'm going to tell you everything honestly. I hope people can learn from my experience, and not have regrets like me. Until two years ago, I had the definition of the perfect lif...
B:Hi,Emily.MynameisJack.Ihaveamom,adad,andasister. 例题5:写作练习 题目:写一篇短文,介绍你的家庭,包括家庭成员的名字、年龄和职业。 答案: MynameisSarah.Ilivewithmyfamilyinasmalltown.Ihaveamom,adad,andabrother.Mymomsnameis玛丽.Sheis35yearsoldandsheisanurse.MydadsnameisJohn.Heis40yearsoldandheisapo...
Felicity: You killed again and I am the one who put you into the position where you had to make that kind of choice. Oliver: He had you and he was going to hurt you. There was no choice to make. ↛ Season 2 is months later after Season 1, it's the season of knowing the...
I will ___ my things and I think I won't lose anything ___. ___ name is Emily White. I'm waiting for my gloves. Thank you! 1.A.What B.Whose C.What's D.Who's 2.A.the B.a C./ 3.A.hers B.his C.mine D.yours 4.A.a pair B.pair C.a pair of D.a pairs...
Look at the lost and found box. There are many things in it. Look! ___ this? It's ___ eraser. Daming's name is on it. I think it's ___. I lost ___ gloves. I come to look for ___, but I can't see them. And I write a notice. If ___ find...