I know this isn’t built in but putting it here w/ org mode stuff (use-package org-pomodoro :ensure t :after org :bind (("<f12>" . org-pomodoro)) :hook ((org-pomodoro-started . gopar/load-window-config-and-close-home-agenda) (org-pomodoro-finished . gopar/save-window-config-and...
I use Microsoft RD Client iphone app(from Microsoft) to connect to my windows cloud vm. It was always working before on a touch mode. From Friday it has changed to mouse pointer mode. and i see a small mouse pointer whcih I have to search and drag to a button and while this move h...
If auto-complete populates, click on x to remove auto-complete Provided by Rick E P from http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/8914010d-1de2-4088-96d5-1d03936c80e6/reply-all-replys-to-self Max Meng TechNet Community Support中文...
I use Microsoft RD Client iphone app(from Microsoft) to connect to my windows cloud vm. It was always working before on a touch mode. From Friday it has changed to mouse pointer mode. and i see a small mouse pointer whcih I have to search and drag to a button and while this move ...
From Friday it has changed to mouse pointer mode. and i see a small mouse pointer whcih I have to search and drag to a button and while this move happens, another button may get clicked at times. It is frustrating as it takes so much time to move the mouse pointer and drag it ...