I don't understand that we have had iPhones for over 10 years I don't understand that either since the original iPhone was released in the summer of 2007... I would like to find a fix without the multiple apple ID's because we can't lose the info on the phones. Apple IDs were ne...
大小 1.6 GB 更新时间 2023-09-03 版本 8.6.0(build 9) 证书类型 查看 MyLittlePonyshop的其它版本 8.7.0 (build 11)2023-09-24 8.6.0 (build 10)2023-09-13 8.6.0 (build 8)2023-09-03 8.6.0 (build 7)2023-08-19 8.6.0 (build 6)2023-08-18 ...
What to do when Outlook AutoArchive doesn’t work When I cut and paste an image into Outlook from the web it creates a blank space and the image isn't there When Office 365 tried to send your message, the receiving email server outside Office 365 reported an error. Where are Outlook...
I use Microsoft RD Client iphone app(from Microsoft) to connect to my windows cloud vm. It was always working before on a touch mode. From Friday it has changed to mouse pointer mode. and i see a small mouse pointer whcih I have to search and drag to a button and while this move ...
相机布局大变身 iPhone 16和16 Plus将重新采用垂直双摄设计。这不仅是外观的改变,更是为了支持空间视频的录制。想象一下,用iPhone拍摄的视频能在Vision Pro上完美呈现,这简直就是跨设备体验的巅峰之作! JPEG XL:存储革命 最后但同样重要的是,iPhone 16可能会支持JPEG...
9月 21 日消息 据苹果官方介绍,iOS 15 提供新的方式来保持联系、强大的更新来帮助用户保持专注、展开探索,用户还可以通过设备端智能技术用iPhoneiOS 15 从今日起作为免费软件更新发布。 FaceTime 通话体验提升,更加亲切自然 FaceTime 通话比以往更加...
The package isn’t quite as polished when it comes to user interface in the software app, but once you’re in a course video that doesn’t matter too much as the video quality itself is great. And while it does estimate power, it’s just that – a bit of an estimation. Because ...
iPhone 15全系4款机型将采用灵动岛设计,并升级Type-C接口,其中iPhone 15和iPhone 15 Plus将配备60Hz屏幕。 而iPhone 15 Pro和iPhone 15 Pro Max将配备120Hz高刷新率屏幕。其中,iPhone 15 Pro Max将会搭载潜望式镜头,具有6倍光学变焦能力。 不过,iPhone 15系列具体之后会是怎样...
值得一提的是,iPhone 16 Pro和它的大屏兄弟iPhone 16 Pro Max都将携带潜望式长焦镜头,这一配置的加入,即便是小屏版本也将在长焦摄影上有所突破。然而,从iPhone 15 Pro Max的用户反馈来看,尽管远摄能力有所提升,但常用的3倍焦距表现却略显逊色。这一...
I use Microsoft RD Client iphone app(from Microsoft) to connect to my windows cloud vm. It was always working before on a touch mode. From Friday it has changed to mouse pointer mode. and i see a small mouse pointer whcih I have to search and drag to a button and while this move ...