适用于 iOS 设备 安装 当前版本不是最新,点击下载最新版本x 举报应用 关于MyLittlePonyshop 大小 1.6 GB 更新时间 2023-09-03 版本 8.6.0(build 9) 证书类型 查看 MyLittlePonyshop的其它版本 8.7.0 (build 11)2023-09-24 8.6.0 (build 10)2023-09-13 ...
I have the same problem, updated the App yesterday wanted to start the drone and it asks for a mainland china phone number.(of course I don’t have a mainland china phone number) I bought the drone in Germany. I have a Austria Sim in my iPhone. At the moment i travel through China...
I use Microsoft RD Client iphone app(from Microsoft) to connect to my windows cloud vm. It was always working before on a touch mode. From Friday it has changed to mouse pointer mode. and i see a small mouse pointer whcih I have to search and drag to a button and while this move ...
这个功能可以在不耗流量的情况下实现与苹果设备快速的互传数据与资料。但是,这个功能在我们不用的时候,最好还是关掉,因为它iPhone就会不断的搜索附近可连接的设备,这个过程是十分费电的。 从下向上滑动,长按下图红框任一图标直到跳出有Airdrop的显示框-点击...
相机布局大变身 iPhone 16和16 Plus将重新采用垂直双摄设计。这不仅是外观的改变,更是为了支持空间视频的录制。想象一下,用iPhone拍摄的视频能在Vision Pro上完美呈现,这简直就是跨设备体验的巅峰之作! JPEG XL:存储革命 最后但同样重要的是,iPhone 16可能会支持JPEG...
I use Microsoft RD Client iphone app(from Microsoft) to connect to my windows cloud vm. It was always working before on a touch mode. From Friday it has changed to mouse pointer mode. and i see a small mouse pointer whcih I have to search and drag to a button and while this move ...
随着iPhone 16 Pro Max的问世,它也被冠以“苹果史上最大尺寸智能手机”的称号。分析师透露,尺寸的增加部分原因是为了容纳先进的潜望长焦模组。 在硬件配置方面,iPhone 16 Pro系列将搭载全新的A18 Pro芯片,这颗基于台积电3纳米工艺的芯片预计将带来性能的飞...
I use Microsoft RD Client iphone app(from Microsoft) to connect to my windows cloud vm. It was always working before on a touch mode. From Friday it has changed to mouse pointer mode. and i see a small mouse pointer whcih I have to search and drag to a button and while this move...
对于存储空间,iPhone 16 Pro 和 iPhone 16 Pro Max 提供了高达 2TB 的最大存储容量,是上一代 iPhone 15 Pro 的两倍。标准版的 iPhone 16 在后摄设计上进行了显著的简化,采用了竖直排列的双摄,这一改变不仅视觉上更为简洁,也为横向握持...
9月 21 日消息 据苹果官方介绍,iOS 15 提供新的方式来保持联系、强大的更新来帮助用户保持专注、展开探索,用户还可以通过设备端智能技术用iPhoneiOS 15 从今日起作为免费软件更新发布。 FaceTime 通话体验提升,更加亲切自然 FaceTime 通话比以往更加...