He became the most popular candidate and I was a large part of his___ . The fact that it has made a difference in other people’s lives is the real prize. What a great feeling! A. luck B. spirit C. life D. success 解析 D 本文讲到在参加学生会主席竞选初选落选后,“我”受邀参加...
We get inside his head and travel down a tunnel of self-reflection and acceptance just as he does. It’s unclear what is imagined or real, raising the stakes and catapulting the viewer into a world of questions. The best pleasure comes after finishing the film and wondering how all the p...
He was accused of going too far in the film and exploiting pain and suffering, mostly by victimizing female characters, but the truth is the situation can and has occurred in real-life. The film brings powerful realism to the terrifying actions of horrible people and if that’s too much fo...
Ms. Cheng’s employer is delighted with her. “Ms. Cheng has been working with us for two months and has shown a good responsible attitude to work.” Anthony Chong, who runs the company, said. Mr. Chong said he hired older people because they were able and reliable. “Age is not an...
"Steve's guitar playing on the song'Hurry Up Sundown'is probably some of his best solo work and rhythm work,"Tivensays. "It's amazing that at this point in his career, he could still be creating some of the greatest music of his life. I think that's a wonderful te...
You have the love in your life and you are giving the other text messages for some timealready. However, this time around, you wish to give one thing definitely sweet he or she will surely love. Luckily, there are many alternatives for you to choose from below that we feel will satisfy...
But a sadness was flowering , Next moment , The boy chose to fight for human , He standed by her opposite , would fight till he dead .She gently jumps to the ground ,The robe is too heavy for her ,what’s more , there is not Salaman’s recollection , Because of the robe was ...
short version is that I once ran theMarathon Des Sables, a 260km ultra-marathon race in the Sahara Desert. One of the days on that ultra-marathon I partnered with a former marine who told me he had rowed across the Atlantic a few years ago. “WOW,” I thought, “I want to do ...
It’s not for nostalgia sake that we are gathering, but for Jesus. Folks need to know that there is an answer to their deepest needs. Jesus is the One who proclaimed, I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death ...
13.?Ihadneverfeltsoalive:我从未感到过自己的生命力如此旺盛 评析:这句话虽然是我写的,我也觉得不好翻译成中文。英文意思大概是:Itistypicallyusedtoexpressastrongfeelingoremotionthatthespeakerhasneverexperiencedbefore,usuallyamessageofinnerstrength.??