This year I’ve been working on making the PlanetJune community more platform-agnostic, so I can meet you wherever you are. TheTemperature Snake CALwas a good example of this, with participants on Discord, Ravelry, Facebook, Instagram, and email. I built and coded custom galleries for both...
If the mouse isn’t working, hold the STEAM button on your Steam Deck. We recommend ticking the “Keep me signed in” checkbox (2.) so you don’t have to type in your username and password continually. Once you are all set, click the “SIGN IN” button (3.) to continue. 42. ...
Make sure your console isn't in Flight Mode. If it is you will need to either disable it, or explicitly enable Bluetooth under Flight Mode settings. Confirm that Mission Control is running. To do this, you can connect a left Joycon or Pro Controller wirelessly and press the DPAD_UP + ...
Make a great restaurant and make your fortune while you’re at it, in Roblox My Restaurant. Unfortunately, there are no My Restaurant codes at this time and no evidence from the devs at BIG Games that any are incoming. BIG Games isn’t big on codes for its other games either. But as...
Searching, detecting, and removing malware isn't instantaneous and there is no guarantee to repair every system. Before we start, please make sure that you have an external backup of all private data. Do not run online games while your case is ongoing. Do not do any free-wheeling of risky...
affects my daily life by doing this is that I kept a playlist of YouTube videos going in the right-hand monitor was I was working, gaming, etc. So I figured ONE of these laptops could be set up to do NOTHING but play YouTube, maybe load Discord. You would THINK that would be ...
*shrug* I had marginally more fun on the pirate servers which had updated graphics enabled than those which didn't; and I'm surprised it wasn't put in as an toggle option to bait whichever players on the fence would be tempted by such an option; but it certainly isn't going t...
But I don’t have snap chat account, instead I can tell you my Instagram