楼主有出现底座PC的灯很暗,耳机拿起来就识别不到的情况吗?今天用完放基座上充电 然后就基座四灯狂闪,耳机开关橙灯,再看看固件升级 基座最新 耳机没有???现在彻底连不上了!楼主知道怎么回事吗?不会是耳机主板坏了吧!灯光一直闪烁,好像无法配对,之前还是可以的...
Logitech G Astro A50 X LightspeedRich-sounding, comfortable, and with a great mic, the Astro A50 X is meant to be for gamers who use PCs and consoles. The result is an overly complex system that costs too much, unfortunately.PC Gamer score: 80% Read our full Logitech G Astro A50 X ...
✅ You're a basshead: If you want plenty of bass but you're wise enough to know that cranking the bass up on an equalizer won't always cut it, the Maxwell is the headset for you. ✅ Planar magnetic is calling to you: There's a place in every headset collection for a pair of...
楼主我a50现在老断连,就是时而好时而听不见声音,请问有什么解决方法吗楼主我a50现在用着声音时断时续的,有没有解决方法啊a50官网的驱动在哪里下啊 我打开官网了 一头雾水老哥能用win7下载的驱动升级吗?没有win10系统老哥这个贴持续时间真长啊!麻烦问一下你玩吃鸡csgo之类的吗,我均衡器怎么调都不舒服。默认...
耳机, 罗技Astro A50更新固件 卡死 重新配对 修复教程, ___浅__恋, 这款耳机 在游戏耳机里因为价格昂贵和罗技旗下Astro子品牌在国内并不出名 所使
耳机, 罗技Astro A50更新固件 卡死 重新配对 修复教程, ___浅__恋, 小的时候上学,突然想拉屎,我坚持要忍到下课,但是一时忍不住了!拉出来一粒椭