但我们知道Rocksdb是C++的库, 它会依赖C++标准库即libstdc++. 而libstdc++又直接依赖glibc. 即使强行替换glibc为musl, 链接阶段也会看到各种找不到符号的报错. 冲动的同学可能会转头自己去编译一套基于musl的libstdc++去了, 不过不要急. 在musl的Wiki里面, 我翻到了这个:https://musl.cc/ 这是一个社区维护的...
rpmalloc性能也很接近,且代码精简。虽然musl的qsort实现不是最快的,但rust标准库使用的pdqsort是最快算法,不过在C中正确实现pdqsort较为复杂,因此未进行替换。毕竟glibc的qsort性能也非最优。建议使用musl时,一并采用LLVM libc++,因为Apple和Google的两大企业支持,性能相较于libstdc++有明显提升。
如果用了musl, 建议一并使用LLVM libc++, Apple和Google两大企业支持, 性能比libstdc++强不少....
技术要求 基于Linux的主机系统,安装有autoconf, automake, bison, bzip2, cmake, flex, g++, gawk, gcc, gettext, git, gperf, help2man, libncurses5-dev, libstdc++6, libtool, libtool-bin, make, patch, python3-dev, rsync, texinfo, unzip, wget, and xz-utils或其对应物。 我推荐使用Ubuntu 20.0...
"libc.musl-x86_64.so.1": null, "libgcc_s.so.1": null, "libggml.so": null, "libgomp.so.1": null, "libllama.so": null, "libstdc++.so.6": null } Attempting to import llama_cpp results in the following error: RuntimeError: Failed to load shared library '/usr/local/lib/pytho...
c++ --disable-multilib --enable-tls --disable-libmudflap --disable-libsanitizer --disable-gnu-indirect-function --disable-libmpx --enable-libstdcxx-time --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu AR_FOR_TARGET=/builds/alliance/rt-smart/musl-toolchain/build/aarch64-linux-musleabi_for_x86_64-pc-linux-...
Hi, Not sure it this is musl-cross-make bug or gcc bug, but on arm-linux-musleabihf (I think the same is for other arm builds) at least two symbols are missing from libstdc++: undefined reference to `std::__atomic_futex_unsigned_base::_M...
new features: - c++ support with g++'s libstdc++ - c99 math library (float, long double, complex, etc.) - numerous wchar_t functions - a64l, l64a functions - getdate function compatibility: - c89 compatibility in math.h - syscall.h alias for sys/syscall.h ...
- c++ support with g++'s libstdc++ - c99 math library (float, long double, complex, etc.) - numerous wchar_t functions - a64l, l64a functions - getdate function compatibility: - c89 compatibility in math.h - syscall.h alias for sys/syscall.h - memory.h alia...