是管皮肤病用的。MUPIROCIN OINTMENT USP, 2 For Dermatologic Use Dermatologic = 皮肤病
英文名称:Mupirocin Ointment 适应症:本品为局部外用抗生素,适用于革兰阳性球菌引起的皮肤感染,例如:脓疱病、疖肿、毛囊炎等原发性皮肤感染及湿疹合并感染、不超过10厘米×10厘米面积的浅表性创伤合并感染等继发性皮肤感染。 主要成分:本品每克含主要成份莫匹罗星20毫克。辅料为:聚乙二醇400和聚乙二醇3350。
戊戌数据药品标准数据库提供了Mupirocin Ointment莫匹罗星软膏美国药典标准的查询检索,包括Mupirocin Ointment莫匹罗星软膏美国药典的版本USP-NF 2021页码,以及药典的查询与下载.
Mupirocin is exclusively used topically as cream or ointment. It is well absorbed after oral and parenteral administration, but its serum concentrations are short-lived due to extensive degradation to monic acid, an antibacterially inactive metabolite. For treatment of skin infections such as impetigo...
包装规格:USP/BP/EP/CP/企标 品牌:欣欣佳丽 产地:武汉 包装:1kg铝箔袋 价格:元/克 莫匹罗星 英文名:MUPIROCIN OINTMENT 拉丁名:UNGUENTUM MUPIROCINI 化学名: 假单胞酸A;9-{4-[5-(2,3-环氧-5-羟基-4-甲基己基)-3,4-二羟基四氢吡喃-2-基]-3-甲基丁-2-烯酰氧; 壬酸 CAS 编号:...
莫匹罗星 USP标准品 英文别名Centany Plasimine BRL4910A Mupirocin Bactroban MUPIROCIN Bactoderm Mupirocine Mupirocina Mupirocinum MUPIROCIN,USP Pseudomonicacid MUPIROCINCALCIUM Pseudomonicacid A BactrobanOintment Mupirocinum[Latin] Mupirocine[French] ...
As with nasal staph infections, the use of ointment base should be replaced by vaseline. 3. Although mupirocin toxicity is low, we should avoid the abuse or the use of the drug for a long term in case of generating drug-resistant strains. View all Uses Topical antibiotics. This product...
0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 医学/心理学--药学 系统标签: mupirocinointmentenoyloxymethylbutpyranpseudomonic 5246Mupirocin/OfficialMonographsUSP40Testsolution—Transferanaccuratelyweighedportionof.MupirocinNasalOintment,equivalenttoabout50mgofMupirocinOintmentmupirocin,toasuitablestopperedconical...