另一个相似之处在于,μ子的行为就像旋转的磁体一样,其强度决定了它们在外部磁场中进动(旋转)的速率(被称为“ g因子”)。对于μ子,其g因子略大于2(因此称为实验名称)。 Muon g-2实验的目的是检查在强磁场作用下μon的进动率。通过测量其g因子,使其精度达到百万分之0.14(ppm),组成Muon g?2协作的研究人员希...
muon的(g-2)反常是粒子物理中一个长期存在的疑难。由于手征增强,leptoquark扩充模型可以解释muon的(g-2)反常。在最简标量型leptoquark模型 中,只有两种表示𝑅2和𝑆1会导致手征增强,并且这种增强是与上型夸克耦合引起的。在该报告...
另一个相似之处在于,μ子的行为就像旋转的磁体一样,其强度决定了它们在外部磁场中进动(旋转)的速率(被称为“ g因子”)。对于μ子,其g因子略大于2(因此称为实验名称)。 Muon g-2实验的目的是检查在强磁场作用下μon的进动率。通过测量其g因子,使其精度达到百万分之0.14(ppm),组成Muon g?2协作的研究人员希...
今年4月份,费米国家加速器实验室(Fermilab)公布了Muon g-2实验的初步结果,这加强了新物理学的证据。社交媒体上充满了关于这个物理学中出现的新粒子的新闻。这个潜在的发现可能有什么意义?这可能会改变我们所知的物理学定律,因为μ介子(Muons)是宇宙的一个相当重要的部分。这一发现的影响可能会改变现有的关于外太空...
First results from Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment strengthen evidence of new physics 看起来就是statistical significance稍微低了一点,但是也有4sigma。而且和之前其它lab的实验结果吻合。一颗赛艇。 发布于 2021-04-10 05:38 数学 物理学 英语 写下你的评论... ...
arXiv:1811.04777v2 [hep-ph] 15 Nov 2018Muon g-2 Anomaly confronted with the higgs global data in theLeft-Right Twin Higgs ModelsGuo-Li Liu ∗School of Physics, Zhengzhou University, ZhengZhou 450000, P. R. ChinaAbstractWe will examine the Left-Right Twin Higgs(LRTH) Models as a soluti...
muon g-2 experiments the GR correction turns out to be very small,well below the present sensitivity. However, in other similar storage ring experimentalsettings, such as electric dipole moment (EDM) search experiments, where the so-calledfrozen spin method is used, GR gives a well detectable ...
Shifting sands for muon g–220 November 2024 Two-pronged challenge An improved lattice–QCD calculation modified by data-driven inputs (red) joins new electron–positron data (CMD-3) in casting fresh doubt on the tension between experimental measurements of the anomalous magnetic moment of the ...
massisconstrainedtobe∼1.2GeV.Wefindthatthereareinteresting experimentalsignaturesinµ + µ − →µ + µ − ,τ + τ − inthesemodels. TypesetusingREVT E X 1 I.INTRODUCTION RecentlyexperimentfromBNL[1]hasmeasuredthemuonanomalousmagneticdipole momentwitha exp µ =(g−2)/2=(...
“Today is an extraordinary day, long awaited not only by us but by the whole international physics community,” says Graziano Venanzoni of the INFN, who is co-spokesperson of the Fermilab muon g-2 collaboration. “A large amount of credit goes to our young researchers who, with their tale...