An ETEC system is disclosed for operating an internal combustion engine (ICE) assembly. The system includes an engine sensor for monitoring engine torque, an exhaust sensor for monitoring nitrogen oxide (NOx) output of the ICE assembly, and an engine control unit (ECU) communicatively connected ...
The closed-loop identification of second-order plus time delay (SOPTD) transfer function models of multivariable systems is presented based on optimization method using the combined step-up and step-down responses. The need for combined ... C Rajapandiyan,M Chidambaram - 《Industrial & Engineering...
关键词: adaptive control multivariable control systems robots self-adjusting systems canonical multivariable difference models closed-loop pole assignment decoupling multivariable control systems robotic manipulators self-tuning control DOI: 10.1049/ip-d.1988.0006 ...
Multivariable controllers for canal automation have been designed based on optimal control techniques: linear [RED 96] or nonlinear optimization and model inversion [LIU 95]. Different model inversion methods are described in the literature, leading generally to open-loop controllers such as Chevereau ...
Base control for the Tennessee Eastman problem 1994, Computers and Chemical Engineering Show abstract Achievable Closed-Loop Properties of Systems Under Decentralized Control: Conditions Involving the Steady-State Gain 1994, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Simple Method for Tuning SISO Controllers in...
The first is an implicit linear quadratic online, self-tuning controller, and the other uses a robust control law based on a first-order approximation of the open-loop dynamics and online recursive identification. The controllers' performance is evaluated by examining their behavior when controlling ...
A rigorous proof of the finite time stability of the close-loop system is derived by utilizing the Lyapunov method and the homogeneous technique. Then, the implementation of the developed method in an indoor quadrotor UAV is performed. The remarkable features of the developed algorithm includes the...
cannot be changed. In the for loop, it is also necessary to update the error and input past (Upast) information as for loop number increases. When the for loop finishes, MSE is calculated to verify the DMC control effect. Δu_f1=〖(〖S_f1〗^T S_f1+W)〗^(-1) 〖S_f1〗^T E_...
This paper presents a new definition for the phase margin of multivariable systems. The properties of the phase margin are such that a stable closed-loop multi-input multi-output system will remain stable for all unitary perturbations in the feedback path whose phases are less than the phase ma...
Integral controllability is necessary and sufficient for a multivariable model to be usable in a decoupling controller with integral action that can be arbitrarily detuned without jeopardizing closed-loop robust stability. The design of experiments for identification of integral controllable models is challen...