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So far, offloading requests from multiple applications has been studied in Ready-Set-Go (Xiang et al., 2014). This study used a simulation of offloading requests from multiple applications to show how each particular offloading request can be scheduled. However, the effectiveness of offloading with...
We consider the task of fine-grained sentiment analysis from the perspective of multiple instance learning (MIL). Our neural model is trained on document sentiment labels, and learns to predict the sentiment of text segments, i.e. sentences or elementary discourse units (EDUs), without segment-...
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The implies that the demultipled OBS data must be computed by numerical solution of a differential equation. Alternatively, the spatial filtering can be formulated as a filter design problem, where the filtering is performed by an optimal filter. This latter formulation can to some extent handle ...
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With the increasing passenger demand, urban rail transit systems are operated with high frequency train services. Due to the uneven distribution of the passenger flows, only operating full-length train services from the origin station to the destination station is not sufficient, especially for the ...
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被引量: 5 摘要: Improved nuclei excitation for NMR applications is provided by employing a sequence of RF pulses for exciting the nuclei. Non- linearities in pulse excitation are compensated by applying at least one additional RF pulse thereby improving slice definition and/or phase characteristics...