今天(北京时间 2019 年 10 月 2 日),GitHub CEO Nat Friedman 在 Twitter 发布消息,宣布 GitHub pull request 正式支持 multi-line comments! 相信一直用 GitHub 进行 PR review 的童鞋,一定对于 GitHub 的…
GitHub 终于支持 multi-line comments! 今天(北京时间 2019 年 10 月 2 日),GitHubCEO Nat Friedman 在 Twitter 发布消息,宣布 GitHub pull request 正式支持 multi-line comments! 相信一直用 GitHub 进行 PR review 的童鞋,一定对于 GitHub 的 multi-line comments 会有很大的期待!现在,这个功能终于来啦!通过简...
自问自答,Multiline comments是插件 GitHub Pull Requests and Issues 里的功能,在release note最下面...
北京时间 2019 年 10 月 2 日,GitHub CEO Nat Friedman 在 Twitter 发布消息,宣布 GitHub pull request 正式支持 multi-line comments! 相信一直用 GitHub 进行 PR review 的童鞋,一定对于 GitHub 的 multi-line comments 会有很大的期待!现在,这个功能终于来啦!通过简单的拖拽,就能进行多行的评论了!是不是非常...
Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */.Any text between /* and */ will be ignored.The following example uses a multi-line comment as an explanation:ExampleGet your own PHP Server Multi-line comment as an explanation: /* The next statement will print a welcome message */ ...
Multi-line Comments Comments that span multiple lines – used to explain things in more detail – are created by adding a delimiter (""") on each end of the comment. ””” This would be a multiline comment in Python that spans several lines and...
@Kovensky Yeah, that does work, but the individual property documentation is the main reason I prefer the multi-line documenting. 👍 1 abgivant closed this as completed Jan 16, 2017 abgivant reopened this Jan 16, 2017 Author abgivant commented Jan 16, 2017 Sorry, didn't mean to...
The work being done as part of#218319 (closed)is a great next iteration for multi-line comments, however, it carries low discoverability and is not intuitive. Proposal In order to make the feature intuitive and discoverable, users should be able to click and drag inside a diff in order to...
The JSON configuration file allows C-style comments: // comment to end of line ... /* inline comment ... */ Currently tested with the following debug adapters. C, C++, Rust, etc. Recommended: CodeLLDB vscode-cpptools lldb-dap I strongly recommend using CodeLLDB over cpptools for almost ...
The line at score 15 indicates 95% confidence as estimated by the hits of the two negative controls. The lack of matches with scores below 5 is a result of the prefiltering of random matches. b, the number of hits are plotted over the score using the data of a at 4.5 ppm accuracy....