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THE QUEEN .. 大家都来下啊~~~
Obey the queen of the Apocalypse! Master Pibby Fights to learn in MUGEN! by GTFoxN6Y 0 363 Tue May 03, 2022 8:17 am by GTFoxN6Y April Fools 2022: Future-Future Trunks saves the future in MUGEN! (...Maybe?) by GTFoxN6Y This is a cheap April Fools character I made for April ...
X=轻拳 Y=轻脚 Z=回避或滚动 A=重拳 B=重脚 C=超重击 注意:部分人物只有没有Z和C键效果。街霸类人物的Y和B变成中拳脚,Z和C变为重击。1P:方向键为:EDSF 攻击键为:A=L B=; C=' X=O Y=P Z=[START=1 2P:方向键为:右边键盘的上下左右键 攻击键为:A=右键盘1 B=右键盘2 ...
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-Also, found theye-olde Cerenas site(a newer version) and since none of downloads work, also there're more stuff to be added, like a fifth screenpack and even he made Winamp skins XD My WIPS-YouTube-Twitter 2 months later...
You think the development of the 2 first HD chars is a "pathetic excuse" to make a wallpaper ? ??? So what is not a "pathetic excuse" for you ? If you don't like us and don't like our work, don't come in our topic, don't download our work, stay in 640*480 and continue...
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