SNAPSHOT builds can be built via the Maven integration in Eclipse. Create a Maven build for the forge top-level project. Right-click on the forge project. Run as.. > Maven build... On the Main tab, set Goals: clean install, set Profiles: windows-linux ...
When you look at the decks per week snapshot, basically every week the number 1 deck of the week is Korvold, no matter what else happened that week. We got sort of numb to seeing it at that number one spot, and sort of ignored the numbers at the bottom that showed just how much ...
The daily alert contains a snapshot of the last 24 hours of activity. Most of the time when you’re seeing this kind of information, it’s well over 24 hours old. Personally, I love having these sort of lists available to me as soon as possible. I put all of this information into...
The last thing I want to talk about this week is a speculation opportunity I took. I have been hearing for a little while about Kuldotha Forgemaster being underpriced. I saw a few tweets on the card from Chas and our fellow writer Travis Allen How could I pass up this kind of opportu...