游戏资源是根据吧内推荐的网站找的: 送TA礼物 1楼2023-04-22 12:15回复 一酷不哭 1L喂熊 1 如上图Disk1和3进去之后模拟器点啥都没反应,Disk2有反应 但是只能玩到第四关,强迫症。。全网只有在...
I have ROMs of both versions, though to my knowledge there is no difference except for the title screen. Weapons like the axe replace your whip and act like a boomerang. Simon can keep using it as long as he catches it, but if he misses, it’s back to the whip! I will go into ...
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (メタルギア2 ソリッドスネーク) is a Action-Adventure/Stealth video game published by Konami released on 1990 for the MSX. Useful keys: Cursors : MOVE AROUND Space : SHOOT M or N : PUNCH Space + M or N : CRAWL F1 : PAUSE F2 : WEAPON SELECT F3 : IT...