子patch 用 line 对象为每个颜色缩放因子发送0.5~1 的值。红色系数每 3 秒变化一次,绿色每 4 秒变化一次,蓝色每 5 秒变化一次(这三个 line 对象每 60 秒同步一次)。每隔 60 秒,metro 计数器会选择一个新的颜色组合。 你可以在不同的源图像上尝试所有颜色组合。回到主 patch,点击标记为 “Show movie” ...
红色系数每 3 秒变化一次,绿色每 4 秒变化一次,蓝色每 5 秒变化一次(这三个 line 对象每 60 秒同步一次)。每隔 60 秒,metro计数器会选择一个新的颜色组合。 你可以在不同的源图像上尝试所有颜色组合。回到主 patch,点击标记为 “Show movie” 的开关停止metro。(也可以用这个开关来启动和停止jit.movie 播...
[colorgames]子 patch 子patch 用line对象为每个颜色缩放因子发送 0.5~1 的值。红色系数每 3 秒变化一次,绿色每 4 秒变化一次,蓝色每 5 秒变化一次(这三个 line 对象每 60 秒同步一次)。每隔 60 秒,metro计数器会选择一个新的颜色组合。 你可以在不同的源图像上尝试所有颜色组合。回到主 patch,点击标记为...
is located within 10 miles of both downtown minneapolis and st. paul. to reach the airport, travelers can use the metro blue line. for travel between terminals, travelers can use this line or the light rail system. if driving to the airport, there are structures for both short and long-...
Paul International Airport (MSP) is served by the Metro Transit light-rail (LRT) Blue Line. The existing LRT station is underground and adjacent to an existing parking ramp. A proposed parking ramp expansion will be constructed over the north end of the LRT station. Construction of the ...
After your arrival in Minneapolis through the MSP airport, you should find the most convenient way to get from the airport to the city center. Taking the Metro Blue Line Light Rail Train for your travel from the airport to the city center is the best option. It is quick compared to the...
如果您更倾向于使用公共交通,您可以选择乘坐轻轨(Light Rail Transit),在机场的轻轨站搭乘蓝线(Blue Line),朝着明尼阿波利斯方向行驶。在美国购物中心站下车后,您只需步行大约15分钟就能到达智选假日套房酒店。这条线路不仅便宜,而且沿途风景优美,是体验当地生活的不错选择。无论您选择哪种方式,智选假日套房酒店都...
For travelers looking for a way to get from downtown Minneapolis to the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP) without having to drive their own car, the Metro Transit Blue Line train makes the trip in around 19 minutes. Another option is to take a Jefferson Lines bus that makes...
You can also take the Blue Line Metro which leaves the station every 15 minutes. How can I find cheap flights to Minneapolis, USA from the United Kingdom? Looking for cheap flights to Minneapolis from the UK? We recommend flying during off-peak seasons such as the summer and major ...
您只需在機場的車站(Lindbergh Terminal Station)搭乘藍線(Blue Line)電車,然後在Mall of America站下車即可。 另外一個選擇是搭乘計程車或租車前往凱藝套房飯店Mall of America - MSP Airport。明尼阿波利斯-聖保羅國際機場(MSP)有許多計程車和租車公司可供選擇,您可以在機場的指定區域輕鬆找到它們。這是一個更...