Rachel Maddow, host of the #1 hits “Bag Man” and “Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra,” is back at the mic with a new original series, “Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News.” In each episode, Rachel and co-host Isaac-Davy Aronson seek a deeper understanding of a story in today's headl...
Maddowblog Wednesday’s Campaign Round-Up, 2.26.25: Minnesota’s Tim Walz passes on Senate race Today’s installment of campaign-related news items from across the country. Steve Benen Maddowblog After vowing to ‘take’ Gaza, Trump shares bizarre video of Middle East 'Riviera' vision The pr...
【假装在现场】左媒MSNBC的Rachel Maddow和其他顶级主播并没有去密尔沃基参加共和党全国代表大会,而是通过LED屏幕显示他们在现场。福克斯新闻引述纽约时报的报道称,"粗略一瞥屏幕"会让人以为MSNBC的主持人正...
MaddowBlog From The Rachel Maddow Show THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW FULL EPISODES PODCASTS RACHEL ON BLUESKYTom Williams / Getty Images Maddowblog Friday’s Mini-Report, 2.21.25 Today’s edition of quick hits. Steve Benen Getty Images Maddowblog ‘We are the federal law’: Trump presses Maine’s g...
拉姆·马杜(Rachel Maddow)团队被解雇,是因为他们同时负责马杜秀和亚历克斯·瓦格纳(Alex Wagner)的节目,而当马杜将主持日缩减至每周一,瓦格纳则从周二到周五主持时,这种工作方式出现了问题。目前,Maddow为特朗普政府的前100天主持每周五晚的节目,但当她于4月21日仅回归周一的节目,并开始进行节目调整时,前...
Stormy (2024) Rachel Maddow: Self - Host, MSNBCShowing all 1 items Jump to: Photos (1) Photos See also Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs Stormy Details Full Cast and Crew Release Dates Official Sites Company Credits Filming &...
Rachel Maddow is returning to her nightly perch on MSNBC — at least for the first few months of the second Trump administration. The network announced on Monday that Maddow will lead its coverage ofTrump's inaugurationon Jan. 20 and, starting that night...
MSNBC的一姐Rachel Maddow 被右翼媒体One America News Network告上法庭,要她赔一千万美元。众所周知,Maddow是反川急先锋,自从川普宣布参选,她就每天晚上在她的节目上黑川普,基本上她的节目只吸引反川普的观众,特别是成立穆勒调查川普通俄以来,她的talking points谈话要点只是川普通俄,通俄,通俄;无限夸张,无限放大,...
The prediction was swift and certain: “Kamala Harris is going to beat Donald Trump in November,” MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow said within minutes of President Joe Biden’s decision on Sunday to drop out of the presidential race. “It’s now the job of everybody in the country...
The popularity of these programs led the channel to add other liberal hosts, most notably Rachel Maddow. Her eponymous show debuted in 2008 and eventually became the channel’s premier program. Although some complained that MSNBC was too aligned with the Democratic Party, the channel embraced its...