Error messages MSB3021 MSB3026 MSB3027 MSB3030 MSB3041 MSB3061 MSB3073 MSB3075 MSB3086 MSB3101 MSB3103 MSB3190 MSB3191 MSB3202 MSB3243 MSB3245 MSB3270 MSB3721 MSB3231 MSB3273 MSB3274 MSB3275 MSB3276 MSB3277 MSB3284 MSB3290 MSB3303 MSB3304 MSB3305 MSB3323 MSB3325 MSB3326 MSB3327 MSB3482 MS...
Task "ILRepack" Added assembly 'D:\Sample\bin\Release\netstandard20\Sample.dll' Added assembly 'C:\Users\aleksandrs.jakovlevs\.nuget\packages\autofac\4.6.2\lib\netstandard1.1\Autofac.dll' Merging 2 assembies to 'D:\Sample\bin\Release\netstandard20\Sample.dll' MSBUILD : error MSB4166: Ch...
8 During a long build (started with IncrediBuild), I get error messages like this one: MSBUILD : error MSB4166: Child node "3" exited prematurely. Shutting down. Diagnostic information may be found in files in the temporary files directory named MSBuild_*.failure.txt. Where can I find...
54 MSBUILD : error MSB4166: Microsoft.Build.Framework.InternalErrorException: MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: must be valid MSBUILD : error MSB4166: at Microsoft.Build.Shared.ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError(String message, Exception innerException, Object[] args) MSBUILD : error MSB4166: at ...
我在构建脚本中运行msbuild,并收到以下错误: MSBUILD : error MSB4166: Child node "2" exited prematurely.Diagnostic information may be found in files in the temporary files directory named MSBuild_*.failure.txt在我的机器上找不到文件MSBuild_*.failure.txt。它是需要配置的吗?如果不是 浏览0提问于...
(字符串文件,字符串项目文件,boolean iSfilename)2017-01-20t17:40:55.7242247z msbuild:错误MSB4166:AT MSBuild.Logger.Errorwarninneventminimums .CTOR(Buildwarningeventargs Warchenevent,Boolean Isstaticaticany分析,布尔登录信息)2017-01-20T17:40:55.7242247Z MSBuild:错误MSB4166:a t msbuild.logger....
S:\BitnessInMSBuild\ShowErrors.proj(13,5): error MSB4062: The "TaskCompiledForx86" task could not be loaded from the assembly S:\BitnessInMSBuild\TaskCompiledForx86\bin\Debug\net472\TaskCompiledForx86.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///S:\BitnessInMSBuild\TaskCompiledForx86\...
我在构建脚本中运行msbuild,并收到以下错误: MSBUILD : error MSB4166: Child node "2" exited prematurely.Diagnostic information may be found in files in the temporary files directory named MSBuild_*.failure.txt在我的机器上找不到文件MSBuild_*.failure.txt。它是需要配置的吗?如果不是,那么该文 ...
MSB3541 MSB3552 MSB3553 MSB3554 MSB3577 MSB3644 MSB3645 MSB3721 MSB3774 MSB3821 MSB3822 MSB3836 MSB3884 MSB3971 MSB4011 MSB4018 MSB4019 MSB4024 MSB4025 MSB4030 MSB4044 MSB4057 MSB4062 MSB4064 MSB4067 MSB4086 MSB4094 MSB4096 MSB4166 MSB4175 MSB4181 MSB4184 MSB6001 MSB6003 MSB6004 MSB6006...
MSB3270: There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built 'architecture' and the processor architecture of the reference 'dependency', 'architecture'. This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project...