Zoom 宣布推出 MS-80IR+ MultiStomp,这是备受赞誉的多重效果和建模踏板系列的最新成员。这款小巧的装置拥有 16 种世界上最受欢迎的放大器的忠实再现,以及 7 种他们自己的产品和精选效果。MS-80IR+ MultiStomp踏板 采用 Zoom 的多层红外技术,该技术结合了在不同音量下录制的三个脉冲响应,以重现通过真实放大器...
MS-80IR+ 是Zoom MultiStomp 系列多功能踏板的最新成员,采用先进的IR 技术为用户带来 23 款精心建模的放大器和箱体,以及精选的立体声效果和无与伦比的音质。 MS-80IR+ 是继 MS-50G+、MS-200D+、MS-60B+ 和 MS-70CDR+ 之后的最新产品。该踏板包含 16 个经典放大器型号和 7 个 Zoom 原创的放大器建模。
品牌:Zoom 型号:MS-80IR+ 价格: 未知 最后更新 2024 年 08 月 03 日产品详情 MS-80IR+ 是Zoom MultiStomp 系列多功能踏板的最新成员,采用先进的IR 技术为用户带来 23 款精心建模的放大器和箱体,以及精选的立体声效果和无与伦比的音质。 MS-80IR+ 是继 MS-50G+、MS-200D+、MS-60B+ 和 MS-70CDR...
Handy Guitar Lab for MS-80IR+ is a remote-control app specifically designed for the MS-80IR+ MULTISTOMP. With this app, you can load impulse response data, including data you already have and from third parties. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects are ...
简介 Handy Guitar Lab for MS-80IR+ is a remote-control app specifically designed for the MS-80IR+ MULTISTOMP. With this app, you can load impulse response data, including data you already have and from third parties. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects ...
signedfortheZOOMMS-80IR+MultiStomp.Whetheryouarecreatingand editingpatchmemories,managingeffectsandpatchmemoriesorbackingup patchmemories,thisappallowsyoutooperateaMS-80IR+fromaniOScom- patiblemobiledevice.ThismanualdoesnotexplaintheoperationoftheMS-
Zoom 宣布推出 MS-80IR+ MultiStomp,这是备受赞誉的多重效果和建模踏板系列的最新成员。这款小巧的装置拥有 16 种世界上最受欢迎的放大器的忠实再现,以及 7 种他们自己的产品和精选效果。 MS-80IR+ MultiStomp踏板 采用 Zoom 的多层红外技术,该技术结合了在不同音量下录制的三个脉冲响应,以重现通过真实放大器...
signedfortheZOOMMS-80IR+MultiStomp.Whetheryouarecreatingand editingpatchmemories,managingeffectsandpatchmemoriesorbackingup patchmemories,thisappallowsyoutooperateaMS-80IR+fromaniOScom- patiblemobiledevice.ThismanualdoesnotexplaintheoperationoftheMS- 80IR+.SeetheMS-80IR+OperationManualfordetailedinformationabout...
Handy Guitar Lab for MS-80IR+ is a remote-control app specifically designed for the MS-80IR+ MULTISTOMP. With this app, you can load impulse response data, including data you already have and from third parties. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects are ...
Handy Guitar Lab for MS-80IR+ is a remote-control app specifically designed for the MS-80IR+ MULTISTOMP. With this app, you can load impulse response data, including data you already have and from third parties. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects are ...