MS VC++ 2017 Redistributable x86 MS VC++ 2017 Redistributable x64 Make sure they are successful. Then, you can re-install the MSVC++ 2015-2019 (with exact same build) back. June 7, 2020 at 4:40 pm Ferdinando1995 Subscriber I got it! I discorvered what was my problem. I've unin...
①卸载旧版本(如果有):控制面板 → 程序和功能 → 找到所有带“Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistrib...
Microsoft Exchange Server Setup displayed this error because the Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2012 isn't installed on the computer.You must install the missing component before Microsoft Exchange Server Setup can continue.Download...
With the solvers or trying to get UDFs compiled? Win10/11 should have all of the stuff to install Ansys Student, it's only Mac OS that's lacking. Viewing 3 reply threads The topic ‘Can’t Install Ansys Error: MS VC++ 2019 Redistributable x64’ is closed to new replies....
报丢失MSXXX[][][].dll错误的,一般是缺少VB、VC基础库 有个汇总vc库的开源项目在不定期更新, 我一般去它那儿下载vc库安装文件,安全无毒,去其他软件下载站下载的我总担心有毒 ...
不安装vc2015 Redistributable解决api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll丢失错误 一、背景 最近用到python下的cx_Oracle模块,开发环境中测试正常,用cx_freeze打包后,到用户机器上一部署,各种奇奇怪怪的问题频出,运行环境如下: a、
问题的原因是你的系统中没有安装Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable。这个组件是许多基于Visual C++开发的应用程序运行所必需的,它包含了运行这些应用程序所需的DLL文件。 提供解决方案: 你可以从提供的链接下载并安装Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable。点击以下链接进行下载: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (...
Microsoft Exchange Server Setup displayed this error because theVisual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013isn't installed on the computer. You must install the missing component before Microsoft Exchange Server Setup can continue.
2. **下载并安装VC Redistributable:** 访问官方网站或使用搜索引擎(如在某度搜索)下载最新的vc-redist.x64安装包。完成安装后,重启您的电脑,这样通常可以解决问题。 ### 方法二:安装Visual Studio 2015运行时库 - **安装对应的运行时库:** 若直接安装VC Redistributable未能解决问题,您可能需要安装Visual Studio...
安装vc_redist.exe程序解决 1.根据电脑操作系统位数类型选择下载(如下图) 64位操作系统:vc_redist.x64.exe:微软官网下载地址 32位操作系统:vc_redist.x86.exe:微软官网下载地址 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015:Visual C++ Redistributable Package 安装运行使用 Visual Studio 2015 生成的 C++ 应...