(Index of Disc Herniation, IDH),髓核突出率(Nucleus Protrusion Rate, NPR),椎间盘后凸角(Kyphotic Angle of the Herniated Disc, KA),突出椎间盘的空间分布(The Distribution of the Protruded Disc, DPD),髓核突出体积比(The Ratio between the Protruded Part and the Dural Sac, RPPDS)以及图像信号强度(...
2010年美国的Lawrence Walter Mysliwiec教授等通过客观测量腰椎间盘突出症(lumbar disc herniation, LDH)患者MRI上的“实质性”(substantial herniation)突出,提出了密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University,MSU)分类,这一分类方法将椎间盘突出程度/大小(degree/size)分为1-2-3级,突出部位(location)分为A-B-C区,并...
(Index of Disc Herniation, IDH),髓核突出率(Nucleus Protrusion Rate, NPR),椎间盘后凸角(Kyphotic Angle of the Herniated Disc, KA),突出椎间盘的空间分布(The Distribution of the Protruded Disc, DPD),髓核突出体积比(The Ratio between the Protruded Part and the Dural Sac, RPPDS)以及图像信号强度(...
MRIFindingsofHerniatedLumbarDiscwithDissociateofNucleusPulposus/ZHAOFeng,DINGChang-qing,ZHANGYu-na,etal.//MedicalInnovationofChina,2015,12:041-044 【Abstract】Objective:ToevaluatethediagnosticvalueofMRIforherniatedlumbardiscwithdissociateofnucleuspulposus.Method:TheclinicandMRIdataof20patientswithherniatedlumbardisc...
Objective To observe the effectiveness of the three-dimensional balanced chiropractic technique in the treat- ment of lumbar disc herniation (LDH) and analyze predictive factors for resorption of the herniated nucleus ...
There is, however, no practical method to predict the likely absorption of the herniated mass. The objective of this study was to predict the spontaneous absorption of disc hernia by MRI, and to select the optimum treatment. The study involved 65 patients with lumbar disc hernias. Conservative ...
https://neckandback.com/conditions/herniated-disc-lumbar-spine/ You more likely need a surgical workup which consists of diagnostic blocks and possibly surgery. Dr. Corenman PLEASE REMEMBER, THIS FORUM IS MEANT TO PROVIDE GENERAL INFORMATION ON SPINE ANATOMY, CONDITIONS AND TREATMENTS. TO GET AN...
The multifidus muscle in patients with lumbar disc herniation. A histochemical and morphometric analysis of intraoperative biopsies. Structural changes in the multifidus muscle were analyzed in 41 patients operated on for herniated intervertebral . Twelve cadavers served as controls.: Bo... MATTILA, MIKK...
DiagnosticvalueofMRIimagingforherniatedfreediscfragmentsofthelumbarspine ZHOUYi,LiShi-hong2,WANGShi—qing,etal (1.The 1stPeople’S HospitalofYancheng。Yancheng,Jiangsu,224001 China;2.Medicalhnage TechnologyDepartmentofYanchengHealthVocational&TechnicalCollege,Yancheng,Jiangsu,224001 ...
易显树,王清,直腿抬高试验在腰椎问盘突出症诊断中的临床意义【J】.中国现代医 生,2010,48(13):45-46 9.柏树令,等,系统解剖学(第六版)嗍.人民卫生出版社,2004,405 l0.Devill6 derWindt a1.Thetestof reviewofthe WL,Van A,et DA,Dzaferagi6 Las69ue:systematic in herniated 140·1147. accuracy...