#Close any sell positionsforposinmt5.positions_get():ifpos.type ==1: #Thisisan open sell order, and we need to close it close_order(pos.ticket)ifnot mt5.positions_totoal(): #We have no open positions market_order(MARKET_SYMBOL,VOLUME,direction) #Opening A Sell Trade elif direction ==...
{ //--- Declare the variable for storing the result and the number of closed positions bool res=true; uint num=0; //--- iterate over open positions int total=PositionsTotal(); // number of open positions for(int i=total-1; i>=0; i--) { ulong position_ticket=PositionGetTicket(i...
MQL5 中文手册 老易 yiwence@ 2010/12/11 目录 1 语言基础14 1.1 语法14 1.1.1 注释15 1.1.2 标识符15 1.1.3 关键词15 1.2 数据类型16 1.2.1 整型数据17 1.2.2 字符型,短整型,整型和长整型18 1.2.3 字符常量20 1.2.4 日期时间型23 1.2.5 颜色型24 1.2.6 布尔类型25 1.2.7 枚举类型25 1.2....
intOnInit(void) {//--- prepare trade class to control positions if hedging mode is activeExtHedging=((ENUM_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE)==ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE_RETAIL_HEDGING); ExtTrade.SetExpertMagicNumber(MA_MAGIC); ExtTrade.SetMarginMode();//--- Moving Average ...
函数iMA是MQL5编程语言中的一个内置函数,用于计算移动平均线(Moving Average)指标的数值。它的返回值与预期返回值不同可能有以下几个原因: 1. 参数设置错误:函数iMA接受多个参数...
Asynchronously sends trade requests without waiting for the trade response of the trade server PositionsTotal Returns the number of open positions PositionGetSymbol Returns the symbol corresponding to the open position PositionSelect Chooses an open position for further working with it ...
In this case, since we broadcast only the open positions, the orders must also be filtered so as not to have pending orders. 2.4.3. Function of order opening It should contain the maximum number of calculations. Thus, it is enough to pass the volume and type. 2.4.4. Function of order...
(self):"""Get reply from server via Data socket with timeout"""try:msg=self.data_socket.recv_json()exceptzmq.ZMQError:raisezmq.NotDone('Data socket timeout ERROR')returnmsgdef_indicator_pull_reply(self):"""Get reply from server via Data socket with timeout"""try:msg=self.indicator_...
(self):"""Get reply from server via Data socket with timeout"""try:msg=self.data_socket.recv_json()exceptzmq.ZMQError:raisezmq.NotDone('Data socket timeout ERROR')returnmsgdef_indicator_pull_reply(self):"""Get reply from server via Data socket with timeout"""try:msg=self.indicator_...
In terms of margin trading, relatively small exchange fluctuations can have a significant impact on the trader's account, resulting in a loss equal to the initial deposit and any funds additionally deposited to the account to maintain open positions. You should not invest money that you cannot ...