mpv程序在运行时可以读取m3u文件列表,如使用命令 ./mpv http://localhost:7000/x.m3u mpv程序会去连接本地的7000端口,并获取x.m3u文件,获取的内容mf://及之后的内容保存在堆中,当mf://及之后的内容占用不同大小的空间时,程序会把文件名称的内容放在堆中不同的位置处,我们需要找到一个合适的大小来满足如下条...
To work this around, the path can be additionally wrapped in the fixed-length syntax, e.g. %n%string_of_length_n (see above). Some mpv options interpret paths starting with ~. Currently, the prefix ~~/ expands to the mpv configuration directory (usually ~/.config/mpv/). ~/ expands ...
var m3uText = $"#EXTM3U\n{pl}"; var localFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync($"playlist_{DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()}.m3u"); var filePath = localFile.Path; await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(localFile, m3uText).AsTask(); var index = CurrentItems.Inde...
demux_playlist: remove len restriction on headerless m3u win32: fix display resolution calculation on mulitple monitors vo_gpu_next: multiple adjustments and fixes to interpolation loadfile: avoid infinite playlist loading loops context_drm_egl: don't free EGL properties if they are null x11: requ...
demux_playlist: remove len restriction on headerless m3u win32: fix display resolution calculation on mulitple monitors vo_gpu_next: multiple adjustments and fixes to interpolation loadfile: avoid infinite playlist loading loops context_drm_egl: don't free EGL properties if they are null ...
- path: default ~~ paths to home directory (#3591) - player: do not let pseudo-gui override user config settings - player: enable reading from stdin after loading input.conf - player: fix instant subtitle refresh on track switches - player: make --force-window work with opengl-cb...
To work this around, the path can be additionally wrapped in the fixed-length syntax, e.g. %n%string_of_length_n (see above). Some mpv options interpret paths starting with ~. Currently, the prefix ~~/ expands to the mpv configuration directory (usually ~/.config/mpv/). ~/ expands ...
get_property("working-directory"), mp.get_property("path"))) end table.insert(kargs, KDialog) table.insert(zargs, Zenity) table.insert(kargs, "--attach=" .. trim(focus.stdout)) if (selType == "url") then --KDialog table.insert(kargs, "--getopenurl") table.insert(kargs, "--...
GetLocalizedString(StringNames.Copied), InfoType.Success); } private void OnCopyM3U8ButtonClickAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) private void LoadDashVideoMpv() { var m3u8Str = $""" #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:5 """; if (_audio != null) var httpParams = _type == VideoType.Live ?