037 1946 《黄金时代(The Best Years of Our Lives)》:回到家乡(IMDB250 TOP 171) http://qfmeng.blogbus.com/logs/154990064.html 038 1948 《碧血金沙(The Treasure of the Sierra Madre)》:竹篮打水一场空(IMDB250 TOP 071) http://qfmeng.blogbus.com/logs/137127512.html 039 1964 《奇爱博士(Dr...
There's two versions of this movie, funny enough it's the remade version that takes place in Spokane Washington. After there's a fallout in nato the North Koreas make a move to attack the united states while attempting to go through Washignton. A group made of family and friends take up...
Top169.愤怒的葡萄.Grapes.of.Wrath.1940 Top170.淘金记.The.Gold.Rush.1925 Top171.十二猴子.Twelve.Monkeys.1995 Top172.两杆大烟枪.Lock.Stock.And.Two.Smoking.Barrels.1998 Top173.恐惧的代价.The.Wages.Of.Fear.1953 Top174.恶魔.Les.diaboliques.1955 Top175.猎人的夜晚.The.Night.of.the.Hunter.1955...