For better or worse, how a series handles its last hurrah can often determine its legacy: A great send-off can gain it entry into the television equivalent of Valhalla. Slap a cop-out ending to a beloved show, however, and you’d better be prepared to kiss seven or eight seasons of ...
我喘着大气说道:“哪个……尸……不寒烟芸小妹妹你是不是要把我这毒解了?” 刚刚教踝被刮了现在还往外冒着黑血,别提有多恶心。 “我没给你解毒,大叔你怕是给那老妖婆洗脑了!她说是什么就是什么啊!我只是抓到你了。”寒烟芸笑到并用一种关爱智障的眼神看我。 我顿时明白,又被那老妖婆阴了,此时此刻我...