Jacob's Ladder is a 1990 American psychological horror film directed by Adrian Lyne, produced by Alan Marshall and written by Bruce Joel Rubin. The film stars Tim Robbins as Jacob Singer, an American postman whose experiences before and during his military service in Vietnam result in strange,...
“Jacob’s Ladder” enters into the hallucinations of a desperate mind, and lives there. It evokes a paranoid-schizophrenic state as effectively as any film I have ever seen. Despite an ending that is intended as victorious, the movie is a thoroughly painful and depressing experience – but, ...
Jacob's Ladder R Drama Documentary Horror Mystery Release Date November 2, 1990 Director Adrian Lyne Cast Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Peña ,Danny Aiello, Matt Craven ,Pruitt Taylor Vince,Jason Alexander Runtime 113 Main Genre Drama Writers
For years, I had been reading that the movie, Jacob's Ladder was really about birth trauma. I finally got a chance to view it and I agree that it is. It's the story of Jacob Singer, played by Tim Robbins, whose life never returned to normal after Vietnam. The movie viewers as ...
Each plant grows from 1 to 3 feet (30 to 91 cm.) high with a spread of 1 1/2 to 2 feet (46 to 61 cm.) wide. ... Jacob's ladder plants are, therefore, an excellent
Carla Hall