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还是motorola edge plus。本帖主要应朋友们的要求简单评测一下该机。恕我无能,note10+实在拍不出这个手机的颜色,正如官网的Thunder Grey说的一样,edge+像是打雷时的颜色,远比照片中更紫更灰。不是我自吹,沾染的指纹在疏油层的作用下恰像云彩一般,丝毫没有三星沾染指纹后那种,令人感到厌恶的感觉 18 笑而不语...
Motorola Edge Plus XT2061-3 256GB 12GB RAM Gsm Unlocked Phone Qualcomm SM8250 Snapdragon 865 108MP The phone comes with a 6.70-inch touchscreen display and an aspect ratio of 21:9. Motorola Edge+ is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 proces
哦顺带一提,还有一个摩托罗拉 Edge,支持 microSD 扩展,765G,4-6GB 内存,6400 万像素主摄,夏季...
I am currently using the Motorola Edge Plus 2023, and the battery life and performance are very nice for me. I am hoping Motorola will release a new smartphone with a bigger battery this year. Hello @aungs, Thank you for reaching out and for your positive feedback on our devices. We'...
因为疫情影响,导致今年 MWC 停办,本来计划在 MWC 上发表新手机的 Motorola 也终于宣布将在 4/22 发表新旗舰机「Edge Plus」!透过官方发的宣传影片可知,Edge Plus 应该会有着跟先前爆料图片上那样的 3D 曲面「瀑布荧幕」Edge Plus 的前镜头采挖孔设计、三主镜头中应该会有一颗一亿八百万画素镜头,搭配 1600 ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Motorola/摩托罗拉edge+ plus1亿像素曲面瀑布屏安卓智能手机的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Motorola/摩托罗拉edge+ plus1亿像素曲面瀑布屏安卓智能手机的信息,请来淘宝深入
though Moto brags about the Edge+' massive 5,100mAh battery - a significant improvement over the 4,600mAh of the Edge 40 Pro. However the dimensions of the two phones are identical so this could be a mistake. If true, this gives the Edge+ (2023) the largest battery of any Motorola ...
2020年摩托罗拉要崛起了的节奏啊!旗下最新旗舰Motorola Edge Plus工程机亮相,首款翻盖式折叠屏手机增添新配色。经过了2019年的洗礼,摩托罗拉手机找到了自己的发展方向,并取得了近几年最好的成绩。不久前,摩托罗拉官方宣布,将于MWC2020大会上发布多款机型,包含Motorola Edge Plus。日前,这款旗舰产品的工程机和...
Motorola makes most of its money with budget phones, but the company has been attempting to push into the flagship space again after a years-long absence. The first Motorola Edge Plus in 2020 marked a return to the top-end market, and now Motorola has an upgraded model ready for 2022. ...