In sixteenth place in our list of most popular anime characters is the protagonist of one of the most action-packed and plot-twisty animes in recent history – Shingeki no Kyojin or Attack on Titan – Eren Yeager! Eren was a young boy when his hometown was invaded and destroyed by the Ar...
With our guide to vampire animes, you can explore the most exciting shows. You’ll find here Vampire anime romance, horror anime with truly scary vampires,sad animesthat’ll make you cry, dark animes that will make you think as well as lighter series where you can explore fun vampire schoo...
It's Fairy TAIL indeed, but anyways, imo it was ranked too low. it's #5 now, keep it here [h]. One of the most promising animes atm, it's getting more and more popular. They should just make it a little less childish and it could be compared to 'The big 3' Added 13 years...
It has bits of documentaries, animes, sci-fi, comedy, and action movies that make it appeal across all ages. The fun thing about Netflix is that you can download content you want to save for later. App StoreGoogle Play Hulu Hulu is another streaming service you might want to consider ...
A bit sad to see very popular animes that still don't have sprites or characters developed like shinra from fire force or yami from black clover. Very bad*** characters that aren't loved. South Jul 19, 2020, 19:54 Erron Black from MKX. An excellent version of him was created but it...
Right. Whoa. Why is Critical Role so popular? I think it's our looks. I think it's. I think it's our eyebrows. Yeah. We're just so handsome. How much of Critical Role... [Marisha] Is scripted? I thought that was gonna happen. Knew it. Zero One hundo. N...
Some Japanese animes such as Detective Conan(or Case Closed) are often watched in China. Don't be stupid , you francophone-fanatics for making wrong message to the board viewers! KellyFri Jan 29, 2010 12:14 am GMT
It has bits of documentaries, animes, sci-fi, comedy, and action movies that make it appeal across all ages. The fun thing about Netflix is that you can download content you want to save for later. App StoreGoogle Play Hulu Hulu is another streaming service you might want to consider ...