server localhost:1883 (5) Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.client Source: components/mqtt/ Integration: MQTT (documentation, issues) First occurred: 1:17:31 PM (5 occurrences) Last logged: 1:17:47 PM Unable to connect to the MQTT broker: Connection Refused: not authorised....
Environment OS: Linux Docker Erlang/OTP: EMQ: v3.1-beta1 Description Short: Mosquitto bridge gets an unauthorized error when trying to bridge a mosquitto broker to an EMQX broker. Detail: I've run an instance of latest EMQX docker contai...
print"Connection refused - identifier rejected" elif rc ==3: print"Connection refused - server unavailable" elif rc ==4: print"Connection refused - bad user name or password" elif rc ==5: print"Connection refused - not authorised" else: print"Connection failed - result code %d"% (rc) #...
不带密码订阅主题时: mosquitto_sub.exe -t"message"# 报错信息Connection error: Connection Refused: not authorised. 带账号密码订阅主题时: mosquitto_sub.exe -u root -P 123456 -t"message" 此时使用发布者客户端发送消息时,也需要携带账号密码: mosquitto_pub.exe -u admin -P 123456 -t"message"-m"H...
Connection error: Connection Refused: not authorised. -t:指定 topic -u:指定 broker 访问用户 -P:指定 broker 访问密码 broker指的就是mosquitto进程。 $/tmp/tmp.rcJYQzXv2I/cmake-build-debug/src/mosquitto-h mosquitto version2.0.11mosquittoisanMQTTv5.0/v3.1.1/v3.1broker... 6...
Connection Refused: not authorised.Error: The connection was refused. 在再次尝试使用密码之前,切换到你的第二个终端窗口,并使用用户名和密码订阅 ‘test’ 主题: mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t test -u "sammy" -P "password" 它应该连接并等待消息。你可以保持这个终端打开并连接,因为我们将定期向它发送测...
Connection Refused: not authorised. Error: The connection was refused. 在用密码进行尝试之前,转到另一个命令行,使用用户名和密码订阅test主题。 mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t test -u "sammy" -P "password" 连接将会建立,并等待消息到达。保持这个命令行处于打开状态, 因为我们将周期性地向它发送测试消息...
Connection Refused:not authorised.Error:The connection was refused. 在我们再次尝试使用密码,再次切换到您的第二个终端窗口,并订阅'测试'主题,使用用户名和密码这次: mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t test -u "sammy" -P "password" 它应该连接和坐,等待消息。您可以将此终端保持打开并连接到本教程的其余部分...
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport,消息队列遥测传输协议) IBM开发的一个即时通讯协议, 特性是可以和硬件设备进行数据的交互,所以自然而然是物联网的技术之一 在B站看到的一个非常有力的应用场景,STM32单片机 使用MQTT 微信小程序交互 视频地址:
1416301643: New connection from ::1 on port 1883. 1416301643: New client connected from ::1 as mosqpub/4113-sparkVM (c1, k60, upub_client). 客户端: Linux代码 [root@pandaVM html]# mosquitto_sub -h -t mtopic Connection Refused: not authorised. [root@pandaVM html...