5. “More Than” 的特殊句型:More Than + Noun "More than + 名词" 可以用来表达“不仅仅是…,还是…”,强调事物的多种属性。比如: He is more than a teacher. He is a mentor. (他不只是老师,还是我的导师。) This is more than a book. It’s a work of art. (这不仅仅是...
noundisparity,prejudice,difference,bias,diversity,irregularity,unevenness,lack of balance,disproportion,imparity,preferentialitycorruption and social inequality Quotations "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" [George OrwellAnimal Farm] ...
首先,它能表达"不仅仅",如 "more than a noun = not only"(超过一个名词,即不仅仅是)。其次,它能表示数量超过,如 "more than a number = over"(超过某个数)。形容词前的"more than"等同于"very",强调程度,如 "more than + 形容词 = very"(非常,很)。当用于从句,"more t...
Nomorethanmeans(1)only,just;(2)neither…Wehavetakennomore thansixcoursesthisterm.Thatoldmanhasnomorethanason.Takeiteasy,whathesaidisnomorethanajoke.Morethan+verbmeansmuchorquite.Thebadnewsmore thansurprisedus.Shewasmorethanhurt.Morethan+nounmeansnotonly,nomorethan.Hibernationis...
【答案】noun(名词);冠军【核心短语/词汇】more than:超过【翻译】世界冠军以领先第二名两秒的优势,完成了赛程。【解析】根据题干,题目要求写出黑体单词的词性和词义。分析句子成分,主语是The world champion;world是名词,表示世界,用来修饰后面的champion;所以此时champion词性是名词,用作主语。根据句子语境,表达的应...
more+noun+than的结构,名词都必须是复数形式吗? 网校学员哦噢喔**在学习【Uni智能】雅思6.5分一站式VIP-初中起点【开学季签约班】时提出了此问题。 本知识点暂无讲解,如果你有相关疑惑,欢迎进班咨询。版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《【Uni智能】雅思6.5分一站式VIP-初中起点【开学季签约班】》的学员和老师,...
(ˈdinə)noun 1.the main meal of the day eatenusuallyin the evening.Is it time for dinner yet?comida,cena 2.a formal party in the evening, when such a meal is eaten.They asked me to dinner;He was the guest of honour at the dinner;(also adjective) a dinner party.banquete ...
2 :not very often travelslittle little 3 of 3noun 1 :a small amount or quantity 2 :a short time or distance Medical Definition little adjective lit·tleˈlit-ᵊl littlerˈlit-ᵊl-ər, ˈlit-lər orlessˈles
No more ... than has the same meaning when more modifies a tradable noun: [7] She is no more a fool than you . [‘She is not a fool, any more than you are’, ‘She is not more foolish...’] [8] They are no more scholars than my baby . [‘They are no more scholarly ....