5. “More Than” 的特殊句型:More Than + Noun "More than + 名词" 可以用来表达“不仅仅是…,还是…”,强调事物的多种属性。比如: He is more than a teacher. He is a mentor. (他不只是老师,还是我的导师。) This is more than a book. It’s a work of art. (这不仅仅是...
noundisparity,prejudice,difference,bias,diversity,irregularity,unevenness,lack of balance,disproportion,imparity,preferentialitycorruption and social inequality Quotations "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" [George OrwellAnimal Farm] ...
首先,它能表达"不仅仅",如 "more than a noun = not only"(超过一个名词,即不仅仅是)。其次,它能表示数量超过,如 "more than a number = over"(超过某个数)。形容词前的"more than"等同于"very",强调程度,如 "more than + 形容词 = very"(非常,很)。当用于从句,"more t...
Nomorethanmeans(1)only,just;(2)neither…Wehavetakennomore thansixcoursesthisterm.Thatoldmanhasnomorethanason.Takeiteasy,whathesaidisnomorethanajoke.Morethan+verbmeansmuchorquite.Thebadnewsmore thansurprisedus.Shewasmorethanhurt.Morethan+nounmeansnotonly,nomorethan.Hibernationis...
more+noun+than的结构,名词都必须是复数形式吗? 网校学员哦噢喔**在学习【Uni智能】雅思6.5分一站式VIP-初中起点【开学季签约班】时提出了此问题。 本知识点暂无讲解,如果你有相关疑惑,欢迎进班咨询。版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《【Uni智能】雅思6.5分一站式VIP-初中起点【开学季签约班】》的学员和老师,...
1. When describing the degree of neatness in a noun, the adjective "neat" is compared with "neater." For example: "This room is neater than that one."2. If you are describing the manner in which something is cleaned or done, and the word "neatly" is required, then the ...
(ˈdinə)noun 1.the main meal of the day eatenusuallyin the evening.Is it time for dinner yet?comida,cena 2.a formal party in the evening, when such a meal is eaten.They asked me to dinner;He was the guest of honour at the dinner;(also adjective) a dinner party.banquete ...
. We don't interpret [i] as a comparison between the degree/extent to whch the horses were ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
2 :not very often travelslittle little 3 of 3noun 1 :a small amount or quantity 2 :a short time or distance Medical Definition little adjective lit·tleˈlit-ᵊl littlerˈlit-ᵊl-ər, ˈlit-lər orlessˈles