Moment的词义很多,即便在物理、数学、统计学中就有多种意义。 角度量本质是动量之矩,但是moment of momentum读起来绕口,所以多用angular momentum(角动量)。在工科理论力学中,一直用动量矩(而不是角动量)。 为了追求与“角动量(angular momentum)”的平行语感,动量(质量称速...
moment:矩,momentum:[物] 动量;动力;冲力; 数学意义上的 moment(矩)概念其实源自于物理范畴。首先我们来介绍物理学意义上的矩(Momentum)的概念。 1. 物理学意义上的矩 μn=rnQ 矩,最简单基础的形式定义为,到某点的距离 r,其某次方 n(表 n 阶矩),再乘以该点某一物理量(Q,力,电荷等)的大小。当然如果...
英文: Just as linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so the angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity. 中文: 正如线性动量是质量和速度乘积一样,物体角动量也定义为其惯性矩和角速度的乘积。更详细......
Is there new evidence from classical papers regarding its independence from the balance of linear momentum? Can micropolar theory be used to "explain" electromagnetism? How is the conservation of the moment of momentum viewed in today's physics textbooks? In this paper an attempt is made to ...
axis. In calculatingangular momentumfor a rigid body, the moment of inertia isanalogousto mass inlinear momentum. For linear momentum, the momentumpis equal to the massmtimes thevelocityv; whereas for angular momentum, the angular momentumLis equal to the moment of inertiaItimes theangular ...
10.Just as linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so the angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity.正如线性动量是质量和速度乘积一样,物体角动量也定义为其惯性矩和角速度的乘积。
1)theorem of moment of momentum动量矩定理 1.First, the concise forms of thetheorem of moment of momentumof planar motion are analyzed.首先,对刚体平面运动时动量矩定理的简洁形式进行了分析,然后给出了牵连运动为平面运动时点的加速度合成定理的简明证明。
1.Study of calculation method forrotational inertiaof a uniform rod to random rotation shaft;均匀细杆对任意轴转动惯量的计算方法 2.Study on the error and approximate expressions of therotational inertiabased the theory of momentum;基于动量矩原理的转动惯量近似表达及分析 ...
moment of a couple Moment of a force moment of a magnet Moment of angle moment of inertia Moment of rotation Moment of torsion moment of truth momenta Momental Momentally momentaneous momentarily momentariness momentary momently momentous momentously momentousness momentum mometasone Momier momiology ...
Objects with greater moments of inertia will require greater torques for equal changes in angular momentum. Today you will be experimentally measuring the moments of inertia of a metal disk and of a metal ring and comparing them with theoretical values derived using Calculus (and listed below): ...