Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disorder resulting in degenerative changes to the knee joint. Three-dimensional gait analysis provides a unique method of measuring knee dynamics during activities of daily living such as walking. The purpose of this study was to identify biomechanical features characte...
This surgery is indicated for patients with symptomatic medial bunion, with a normal range of motion at the first metatarsophalangeal joint without crepitus or degenerative changes. It is also recommended for congruent deviated joints with an intermetatarsal angle (IMA) of less than 20° for a ...
The degree of the pathological changes of the knee cartilage in the M + R group was more serious than the changes in the RC group, but there was no significant difference. The safranin O–fast green stain showed that there was no obvious crack in the cartilage in the M + R ...
Knee osteoarthritis is a common cause of disability, especially for people with severe knee pain. Many treatments are used, but not all patients get enough pain relief. This review looked at 106 publications and 37 treatment guidelines published between January 2018 and April 2023. The aim was t...
KneeTo investigate the periarticular degenerative changes of the knee joint in association with osteoarthritis (OA). More tendinosis was expected to be found in the semitendinosus tendon in patients with knee OA than in patients without knee OA. Samples from 41 patients were included between ...
Search strategy: A search was performed in PubMed, EMABSE and the Cochrane Library database, in accordance with PRISMA guidelines for systematic review and Quantitative-analysis using a combination of terms such as “geniculate artery”, “embolization”, “knee”, “osteoarthritis”, and “pain”...
Effect of Varus-Producing Distal Femoral Osteotomy and High Tibial Osteotomy on Compartment Pressures and Contact Area at Varying Degrees of Knee Flexion Background: In patients with valgus alignment and degenerative changes in the lateral compartment, both distal femoral osteotomy (DFO) and high tibial...
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most disabling degenerative diseases affecting the elderly [1]. While the reported prevalence of knee OA is approximately 3% among individuals between the ages of 45 to 54 years, this number rises to 27% for those between 63 and 69 years, and increases ...
Keywords:Kneeosteoarthritis,kinesitherapy,hidrotherapy,ViscosupplementatiOn 1.1ntrOducti0n Inmostcases,Osteoarthritis(0A)occursasaresult ofdegenerativechangesofjoints,traumas,sports injuries,inappropriateexcessive,butalsoinsuficient physicalact iv ity who se consequence is d eterio ration o f the joint cartil...
The molecular basis of degenerative changes is becoming better known thanks to numerous biochemical and genetic studies [3]. In recent years, intra-articular injections have become more and more popular in the moderate therapy of knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Due to the complexity of the processes ...