ModelSim使用 ASCII文件, 由用户控制 在ModelSim的安装目录一个缺省文件被提供 modelsim.ini被编译器和仿真器使用 存有初始信息 库定位 启动文件的定位 ModelSim其他缺省设定 ModelSim 按下列顺序搜索modelsim.ini: 1. 环境变量Environment variable called MODELSIM which points directly to the modelsim.ini file to be...
Hi! Since update from Modelsim 10.4b to Modelsim 10.5, I cannot start simulation after executing with my design as well as VUnit example design. Please see the following console output: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\...
一.quartus联合modelsim 1.编译仿真库。报错就报错吧。可不用管。 2.将编译好的仿真库中的modelsim.ini文件中的图中内容复制到modeltech64_10.4路径下的modelsim,ini对应部分。这一步的作用是在Modelsim SE中映射相应的器件库。不要忘记更改modeltech64_10.4路径下的modelsim,ini的只读属性,改完后再改过来。 把以上...
Ke**in 上传28.82 KB 文件格式 rar modelsim ise14.7 vivado2016.4 由于同时将ise 14.7的库和vivado 2016.4的库加入modelsim可能会有问题,这里给出我试出来的成功版的ini。使用介绍:https://blog./ciscomonkey/article/details/90375540点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
The version of modelsim.ini I want exists at c:\altera\11.1\modelsim_ase So from 11.0 to 11.1. Any ideas? I built the sopcinfo file with the options pointing to the 11.1 modelsim directory... so that's not the issue. Run configurations in 11.1 EDS also points to C:\a...
这个地方改为: 试试
set ieee "C:/intelFPGA_lite/16.1/modelsim_ase/std"# C:/intelFPGA_lite/16.1/modelsim_ase/std set ieee# C:/intelFPGA_lite/16.1/modelsim_ase/std So it seems that the line for ieee in modelsim.ini was ignored. Should that be? greg Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Altera_Forum...
·从SOPC运行Modelsim-ALTERA仿真,键入s时出现的错误:** Error: (vsim-7) Failed to open ini ...
Hello, Ever since I upgraded to the latest Quartus Pro Edition (21.2.0), the bundled Modelsim hangs when I compile a Verilog source file and prints