Using the GIBNs from our best-fitting model, we used gSEM to generate a multivariate GWAS of each GIBN. The GenomicSEM packagesumstatsprogram was used to perform the GWAS, with options set for a linear model (continuous outcome) and default parameters for the ‘info’ and ‘maf’ filters ...
Namely, low self-control partially mediated the relation between effective parenting practices and anti-social Acknowledgements This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors....
[40], who found that older adults in urban areas with good ACPM could access health information, health services, and COVID-19 preventive materials. To prevent and control the spread of COVID-19, the Thai government and healthcare agencies provided some COVID-19 prevention materials, including...
The growing interest of model-informed drug development (MIDD) using pharmacometrics approaches has gained the acceptance of the regulatory agencies to improve drug development. Pharmacometrics is the science of using in silico models to understand and generate new knowledge of the underlying processes of...
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MT systems that meet the needs and work practices of PH agencies. The results of these studies led to the identification of functional requirements for the development of a prototype MT tool, named PHAST (Public Health Automated System for Translation), for PH as described in more detail below...
A significant concern arises regarding recommendations for ART, which often lag behind guidelines for pregnant adults living with HIV. This lag results in pregnant individuals receiving older, less desirable ART regimens, posing a considerable concern. This issue arises from insufficient data to ...
According to criteria established by the FDA and generally applied by other regulatory agencies, a test preparation and a reference preparation are considered bioequivalent when the 90% confidence interval for the geometric mean ratios of Cmax, AUC0–tand AUC0–∞between the reference preparation and...
This causes a dramatic burden, not only for the patients themselves but, in terms of healthcare costs, also for their countries’ welfare systems. Thus, a strong effort has been dedicated in the last decades by public and private research funding agencies, and pharmaceutical companies, to fund...
Rampey, B.D.; Finnegan, R.; Goodman, M.; Mohadjer, L.; Krenzke, T.; Hogan, J.; Provasnik, S.Skills of U.S. Unemployed, Young, and Older Adults in Sharper Focus: Results from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2012/2014: First Look (NCES...