Foxy the Pirate is a well-known antagonistic animatronic character from theFive Nights at Freddy’sgame series, also known as FNaF. Foxy is seen as an outcast among the other animatronics at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and his pirate-like appearance diversifies the main cast of the series. His...
Five Nights at Freddy's: The Stories (2020–2022) (TV Series) - Composer (4 episodes, 2020) The Soul Sword (十月 1, 2022) Season 4, Episode 27 - Composer See more 4 The 25 Days of Penny's Playhouse (2021) (TV Mini-series) - Composer (1 episode, 2021) IT'S MY BIRTH...
NIGHTMARIONETTE MADNESS. - Five Nights at Freddy's 4 (ALL NIGHTMARE MODE): With Cory Williams. This took everything - all of my sanity - everything..