在基于新标准、新技术的产品开发上,广和通紧跟3GPP演进协议,后续将持续推出符合R17 RedCap、5G-Advanced及未来的6G模组。 广和通5G模组已通过多个实验室实网环境下网络与外场测试,在协议一致性、射频一致性、功耗、速率性能等方面均表现良好,外场测试中的5G驻网、4G和5G重选与切换、数据性能、SA/NSA切换等均高于行业...
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for B5G & 6G(1)_合并.pdf 大小:1.87 MB 更新日期:2022-04-21 14:09:33 免费 下载 Evolved Random Access and Multiple Access Transmission Technologies(2).pdf 大小:5.06 MB 更新日期:2022-04-18 11:00:35 免费 下载 1.jpg 大小:27.42 KB 更新日期:2022-01...
This letter studies the application of backscatter communications (BackCom) assisted non-orthogonal multiple access (BAC-NOMA) to the envisioned sixth-generation (6G) ultra-massive machine type communications (umMTC). In particular, the proposed BAC-NOMA transmission scheme can realize simultaneous energ...
These modules can be used for reseach and development on physical channels and procedures in uplink and downlink communication. artificial-intelligence ssb physical-layer wireless-communication beamforming antenna-array positioning-systems 5g-simulation industry-4 urllc mimo 6g mmtc 5g-nr telecommunication-...
当然,在Sub 6G频段下,各家运营商5G主力频段均只有1个100M载波,因此无线侧硬切片后,各种业务的载波...
mMTC是massive Machine Type Communication的缩写,意思是大规模机器型通信。
他向产业界介绍了从5G向6G演进的驱动力与规划,指出5G持续发展,5.5G是5G向6G演进的必由之路。 童文博士指出,为了满足toC新业务和toB行业应用对5G提出的新需求,5G将迈向5.5G持续创新,实现eMBB/URLLC/mMTC等能力不断增强,同时新增感知、无源物联、定位、智能化等革命性能力,构筑“下行10Gbps、上行1Gbps、千亿联接、...
Topics will include universal broadband, 6G networks, artificial intelligence, Section 230, M&A policy, and minority media and telecom ownership. For more information, contact David Hornig, MMTC special adviser and president emeritus, dhonig@mmtconline.org or call 202-261-6543. Tagged: business, ...
Massive machine type communications (mMTC) is a key enabler to support massive access of Internet of Things (IoT)in 5G/6G wireless networks. In this paper, a novel spatial dynamic preamble soft allocation scheme is proposed to improve access performance for massive machine-type communications. In...