🎉MMR Studio的杰作「胡卢Ipū」荣获法国DESIGN PARADE HYÈRES第18届国际设计节前十!🏆该设计节自2006年成立以来,一直致力于与公众和专业人士分享设计领域的创新成果。每年夏天,诺阿耶别墅都会举办两次大型设计巡礼活动,探索两个邻近城镇丰富的建筑与装饰艺术遗产。🏛️🌳「胡卢Ipū」是一件立柱装置艺术品,以...
Tidak ada yang bisa dilihat di sini mmrdesign2028 belum mengunggah media apa pun. Temukan lebih dari 5.3 juta gambar dan video yang dibagikan oleh komunitas kami yang dermawan. Menemukan Pilihan editorKoleksi Terkurasi Radio Pixabay BaruGambar PopulerVideo PopulerMusik PopulerPencarian Populer Kom...
Founded in 2021 inShanghaiby architect Zhongyu Zhang, MMR regards product design as the construction of an urban park that stores private and public memories. MMR stands for “Materials, Modality, Routine”, it aims to explore the cultural traces in the process of urban transformation, and trans...
design antho/ogy:可以简述一下,比较典型的你的一天吗? 张忠宇:一直在工作,工作完蹦迪。 关于作品 design antho/ogy:SLICE 城市切片的介绍中,提到灵感是来源于Becher夫妇比较经典的类型摄影作品BasicForms,相较于书中满目纯功能、鲜少情感投入的建筑,好像和你的作品并没有一眼看上去的共通之处,可以详述一下是哪里...
1.3.2 any evaluation material, design work, strategic plans and ideas, innovations, creative plans, concepts and ideas and any other advertising or promotional plans or ideas developed by the Client or on its behalf, whether relating specifically to the Project or otherwise; and any information de...
Design file • 1 • 57 users Open in FigmaAbout Comments 0 Preview More by this creator 招聘、内部管理、社招小程序-MMr 社交、团建、旅行、多元化小程序-MMr 管理系统、后台管理小程序-MMr A Post 0 comments This is a Figma Community file. Community is a space for Figma users to share thi...
any evaluation material design work strategic plans and ideas innovations creative plans concepts and ideas and any other advertising or promotional plans or ideas developed by the Client or on its behalf whether relating specifically to the Project or otherwise; any information derived from the informa...
Talents_DesignShanghai 23-06-8 09:22 发布于 上海 来自 iPhone客户端 MMR STUDIO 是一个以#生活材料#研究为导向的产品设计工作室,MMR「MATERIALS, MODALITY, ROUTINE」希望通过对#城市转型#进程中#文化痕迹#的窥探,将在平常中流动的质感与情感糅入材料。MMR 将产品设计视为建造一座存放着私人与公共记忆的#...
MMR: a high-performance MultiMedia Router-architecture and design trade-offs J. Quiles, "MMR: A high-performance multimedia router - Architecture and design trade-offs," in Intl. Symp. on High Performance Computer Architecture (... Duato,J.,Yalamanchili,... - International Symposium on High-...
Quiles. MMR: A High-Performance Multimedia Router-Architecture and Design-Tradeo s. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High- Performance Computer Architecture, pages 300 309, January 1999.Jose´ Duato, et al. Mmr: A high-performance multimedia router - architecture and design ...