Season 1 Discussion Discuss the two dimensional installment of the My Little PonyG4continuity. 59 topics pony life was not that bad BySolar Power,1 hour ago Sugarcube Corner Merchandise Fan Clubs All pony talk that doesn't directly have to do withFriendship is Magicbelongs here. Fandom discussi...
Favorite MLP Songs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Honorable Mention: Favorite Singers/Bands/Music Artists/Composers: 1. Weird Al Yankovic 2. Celine Dion 3. Mozart 4. Gun N Roses 5. Forest Rain 6. Frank Sinatra Favorite Movies: ...
68 -- 2:20 App 小马国女孩短篇:梦想彼岸歌词 166 -- 6:10 App 【mlp音乐】Find the music in you (Nexaka remix) 125 1 25:26 App [补档] 2015年小马top100音乐(The Top 100 Pony Songs of 2015) 660 8 4:18 App 2023年4月小马top10音乐 2207 11 5:12 App 【TYT/熟肉】小马国大小事...
But my attitude changed over time, because I learned, over watching the first season, that Pinkie Pie and I actually have a lot in common, and there's a lot more to her character than meets the eye at first glance. This didn't become truly crystal clear until her defining episode: Par...
1. Rainbow Rocks - It's so aggressively catchy. I have no notes. 2. Friendship Games - The opening and ACADECA are my two favorite songs in the movie if Rainbow Rocks didn't go as hard as it did, it'd be first for me no contest. 3. Equestria Girls - I really LOVE the FiM re...
I don't know why, but for some reason, the Super Mario World castle theme reminds me of the season 3 premiere from MLP and the whole King Sombra thing. And I have no idea why! Lol! But this also goes both ways! Whenever I think about King Sombra from MLP, the castle theme song... 2008-Think Too Much (My Little Pony) Tracklist: 1. Skipping Down The Street 2. A Song For You (On Your 40th Birthday) 3. Comic Relief 4. Stars 5. Do You Really Love Me, Or Am I Just In Your Network?
Songs translators: Andrzej Brzeski (seasons 1-3) Janusz Onufrowicz (seasons 2-3) Krzysztof Bukowski (extended version of Love Is In Bloom) Renata Wojnarowska, Michał Wojnarowski (first half of season 4) Zofia Jaworowska (second half of season 4, S05E13 Sunflower song) Krzysztof Pieszak...
专辑 Songs of Friendship and Magic 季 第二季 剧集对白 真心朋友 BMI Work ID 14998076 《Smile Song》[2]是一首出现于“真心朋友”一集的歌曲。这首歌被《我的小马驹》剧组称为“Smile”,由萍琪派演唱,表达了萍琪对于欢笑、快乐以及朋友的喜爱。歌曲里,萍琪带着微笑从小马镇穿行而过,途中她同几只小马打了...
Category:Season N songs Category:第N季歌曲 Category:Season N Category:第N季 Category:Songs Category:歌曲 Category:Album songs Category:专辑歌曲 Category:Merchandise Category:相关商品 Category:Season N episodes Category:第N季剧集 Category:Musicians Category:音乐家 Category:Seasons Category:季 ...