When the first season of FiM premiered, I did actually watch the first five episodes. I found the two part beginning quite intriguing that gave me the vibe of a show that might be along the lines of Sailor Moon, Card Captors or any of the many magic girl anime the west was being in...
But then I found that this is a new 20% cooler version of MLP, refreshed by Lauren Faust. And I remembered that her other creation ("The Power Puff Girls") was causing similar effects, but at somewhat lesser scale. This has made me curious. And since I usually try everything on my ...
It's fine, it's my derp of a mind. Still, now that it's been imagined, it needs to happen. It MUST happen! I've watched a few episodes of the Tangled series... I haven't been as on top of it as I'd like but the few episodes that I've seen I've liked a lot. ...
Katja Aakkula: Daring Do, Derpy Hooves, Ocean Flow, Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia (except episodes 22, 23 and 26), Starlight Glimmer (except S7E14-24, S7E26), one of yaks (S8E2) Elina Aalto: Aria Blaze Laura Aarre Rauno Ahonen: The Storm King Anna Asunta: Dr. Fauna, Ember ...
《我的小马驹:友谊就是魔法》(英语:My Little Pony Friendship is Magic[注 1])是一部孩之宝授权经营的我的小马驹系列动画。这部动画于2010年10月10日在孩之宝旗下的Hub电视台(于2014年10月13日改名为Family Discovery Family)首映,目前已播出九季。这部动画片是我的小马驹系列的第四代(G4)。该电视节目的创始...
Also visible during that sequence are grapes and pears in a hanging set of baskets/bowls. Spike offers to make Twilight breakfast, suggesting sunflower smoothies and grass pancakes. When Spike asks Pinkie Pie for a writing quill, Pinkie responds with a list of items with vaguely similar names,...